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Want - Taemin (You'll know when to play this hehe)



Nothing but blue.

Everything feels warm, maybe with a few lights flashing here and there but it's warm.


And distant.

But one thing is clear.

Almost like the sun during a cloudy day or a lighting during a storm.

Maybe an angel in the darkness.

Once the darkened eyes looks up through the crystalline blur around him, it was easier to chase after the one thing that is cleared.


The closer he got to the surface, the clearer the beautiful human became, until finally the warmth of the water wasn't around him anymore.

And Jimin's face is clear.

Taemin rubs a hand down his face to brush some of the water off, chuckling sheepishly as Jimin smirks down at him with a towel over his tatted body of his shoulder.

"Having fun Ariel?"

Water is instantly is splashed to Jimin's body, forcing a squeal but then mass of giggles to bubble out of his cute lips as he puts the bag down with extra clothes, along with the towel.

Oh no.

It was too late for Taemin to swim out of the way before Jimin practically dives into the pool, right to him to be precise, sinking both of them under water.

It's all blue again, yet Jimin is still the only person clear through Taemin's vision. He's always the only thing clear in Taemin's life in general. When they both swam back up to the surface, Taemin didn't even hesitate on splashing water to Jimin's face; instant giggles bubbling between the pair.

"I could've died!"

"And I would've brought you back to life!"

Taemin laughs to this once again, peering around the pool area to notice how the last pair of people got their things and made their way to the exit.

Leaving Jimin and Taemin utter alone.

Oh how lucky they are.

Arms suddenly wraps themselves around Taemin's waist from behind, followed by a peck on his neck by a pair of familiar plump lips.

"What are you thinking about?"

Taemin squeals when Jimin's hand dips down over his swimming trunks and grips his dick.


His feet instantly weakens and slightly stumbled back against Jimin's body but the other holds him tightly, not letting him fall back into the water and keeps him steady.

"You," Taemin hums quietly but then snaps out of it instantly after something came to mind, turning around to face Jimin with a more concerned stare, "What happened earlier? You had me worried."

Jimin smug grin drops to a more unsettling stare, looking around before guiding Taemin to one of the seats that's engraved to the perimeter of the pool. The space is wide enough for both of them to sit, the water now reaching a bit more below their chest so they're not suffocating for air at least.

"I'm worried about Taehyung," Jimin sighs heavily, taking one of Taemin's hands from underwater and interlaced them together to have that sense comfort to talk, "He was going to do something stupid and I don't know...... I don't want him to do the same mistake I did and force himself to move on."

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