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I'm probably going to put this remind at the beginning of every chapter since I don't think many of you have read it in chapter one or when I have mentioned it before:

- This book revolves more on the characters interaction together, but it doesn't mean they may or may not end up together. This is a Vminkook Alternative Universe, not a love story. It's meant more like a fun story to go back to and read to feel nice inside.


Two beer bottles and a packet of tissues later and Taehyung is a bawling mess.

It's been three hours since he's been here at Jimin's apartment, and it seems to only grow worse and worse every passing hour.

Jimin is not good with crying people, especially since he doesn't really know what to say to them to make them stop. With Taemin it was easy since he just had to speak from his heart, but with Taehyung or friends in general its hard.

The fuck is he suppose to tell him?

"A-And I'm happy for him you know?" Taehyung sobs weakly, patting his swollen red eyes with another tissue that Jimin offered him, "Yeosang is a good person and h-he can make him h-happyyy."

By now Jimin is debating whether to rip his head own off or being very risky in calling Taemin to handle this situation; he was always the more empathetic from the two and good at it.

But unfortunately Jimin can't do neither of these options.


"I t-tried you know? With N-Namjoon and J-Johnny and they treat me so g-good but they're not Felix!" Taehyung wails loudly, forcing a flinch from Jimin by the volume, "H-He was my b-baby and I-I took care of him when h-he was cold with my hoodies. WHY IS THIS HITTING ME NOW?!"

Jimin exhales heavily, glaring at coffee table in frustration as MinMin purrs her way from Jimin's lap as she caresses her tail against his face while making her way to Taehyung.

The crying man sniffles as the cat paws his arm, meowing at him. A weak smile forms his lips with his teary eyes to the precious animal, shakily taking her in his arms and pets her head while she purrs against his touch.

She's literally this kind because of Taemin because if it were for Jimin, she would be scratching Taehyung's face by now.

The first month without Taemin was hard for MinMin, like Jimin. She wouldn't stop meowing. Every single night she would meow her lungs out, curling herself against Taemin's pillow while clawing at it. Slowly it grew worse to the point she would stop eating, sleep more often or just hide under the bed and wouldn't come out. After Taemin and Jimin agreed to communicate for their literal child after he reached out after three weeks, Taemin one day FaceTimed Jimin and MinMin finally kept quiet and would purr to the phone as though he was physically there.

Yeah, she misses him like crazy and still does, but at least she's slowly coming back to her senses.


Jimin sighs as MinMin meows, staring at him with those expectant eyes. He knows she wants him to FaceTime Taemin but while Taehyung is here that's not exactly the best thing to do.

No one besides Jackson knows the two remain in somewhat contact, and they prefer keeping this privacy between them.

"Is she hungry?" Taehyung whimpers, petting her chin with a frown, "Has she been eating well? She looks thinner."

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