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Three empty shot glasses slams against the wooden counter at the same time, followed by heavy sighs and deep frowns in sync. They don't even feel the burn of the alcohol sliding down their throats anymore, just letting it intoxicate their wounded hearts with that pained gleam in their eyes.

After Woosung's get together, the three musketeers decided to go to a bar as they said they would. They decided to go to a Latin bar, where Jimin decided to take them since the they have the best depressing mariachi music to feed into their already depressed moods.

Jimin got dumped for fucking up,

Taehyung decided to break up because of so many fucked up shit going on,

And Jungkook got rejected because V right now has a very busy schedule for their comeback, but gave the hope that perhaps after that than they could be together.

That still hurts like a bitch.

The bartender refilled each of their glasses again and it was instantly drowned down, then Taehyung sighs from between his two friends.

"I miss Felix."

Jimin leans against the counter, cheek on his palm with a heavy frown, "I miss my Taemin," He grumbles, staring at the empty shot glass where the tequila was, "But you know what! We are better off without them!"

Jungkook nods but nearly falls off the chair by how unstable his balance is getting, "You're right! We don't need them. Fuck love."

Suddenly Taehyung began to tear up, sniffling quietly, "B-But he was good to me."

And that's when that brave attitude disappears and Jimin lets his face fall to the counter, closing his eyes, "Who am I kidding? I need Taemin."

Silently the ravenette engulfs more of his shot glass and the other one he ordered before turning to them, "They say we broke there hearts, pfft. Meanwhile we're the ones getting shit faced," Jungkook scoffs, wanting to punch Taehyung for the way he's crying right now, "Man up you shit heads! Love sucks, you can get better dick from anyone in this world damn."

Jimin evidently roll his eyes and rises up to drink the shot glass that was refilled, "Right, I forgot you get into your little dom attitude while being intoxicated," He mutters with his face cringing to the taste of this, "You know what, you're right. I can have anyone I fucking want!"


"B-But I want-"

"Fuck Felix! he's probably not even thinking about you," Jungkook slurs angrily, blinking a few times to capture more of his vision, "Woosung rejected me, how do you think I'm feeling!"

"But at least you have hope," Jimin snaps, eyes now bloodshot red from the alcohol, "Taemin probably even hates me now."

Jungkook mildly heard this but he couldn't completely because his eyes are sole focused on Taehyung's neck now, licking his lips slowly.

His pretty, markless neck.

Just one touch.

Won't hurt anyone right?

So he leans over and pecks his skin gently.

Taehyung fucking shrieks and looks at Jungkook, eyes widen with a blush crawling up his neck in shock.


The ravenette only squeezes his eyes to gain a bit of stability to his hectic mind but he can't, instead he smiles to the fluttering feeling in his body, "Sorry, alcohol is getting to me."

Jimin sighs heavily, maybe even groaned, to this and stands up from the counter, putting the money down, "Let's get you home before you end up in a fight with these other drunken alcoholics in this place."

Lust Wears Red [Vminkook Friendship]Where stories live. Discover now