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Someone Like You - V or Adele (whoever you wish hehe)


Taehyung was not thinking properly anymore.

Nothing has been able to make sense for a while now actually.

He's a complete and utter mess.

Don't get him wrong, being here at his home feels nice to come back to. But the loneliness strikes brutally, much more than he can take.

Felix is at Lisa's place for a while and Taehyung's parents are still ill so they don't leave the room, leaving Taehyung to face the coldness of this snowing evening alone.

It's funny.

Funny how they think that once you're famous, loneliness doesn't exist anymore. Being loved by so many people, being thrown praises and compliments about your music and beautiful looks on a daily basis like some sort of king.

Yet that's when the loneliness feels the most intense.

Having friends is hard now, not without someone watching over your shoulder to report a conspiracy constantly. Controversies of dating if you're seen with another gender. Hate for just the slightest mistake.

Trying so hard to keep the image and be perfect to the public eye.

So many of Taehyung's friendships with others have shattered so quickly because of it. Sometimes with other stars too because of how devoted both of their fandoms are to their idol, eventually it leading to putting other's tough efforts down in defense.

Truth is, Taehyung has never felt more alone actually.

Since he debuted, loneliness is the only thing he feels really.

Others have their own ways of avoiding loneliness; writing music, reading, or just by being alone.

Taehyung seeks attention.

To not feel so numb or alone.

It's stupid really to reach out to an engaged man just for a moment where Taehyung can just pretend that he's not famous anymore, however Minho is so much more than just that.

And Taehyung just wants a moment where he feels normal; to talk to someone and for them to listen, and make Him feel like he can be himself.

Just a moment to escape, even if it's just for a few hours before Minho leaves again.

Where he can feel young again.

A knock snaps Taehyung out of his thoughts and he snaps his head up, feeling the weight of his heart fall heavy but gets to his feet and goes to the front door.

When he opens the door and sees the familiar male standing there with the snow storm causing a disaster behind him, Taehyung felt the weight lifted off his shoulders and his body relaxed to the familiar human behind in front of him.

He found his safe haven.

However when he looks up to meet Minho's eyes, a knot forms his throat to the puffy redness at the corner of his eyes.

Was he crying?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Taehyung immediately asks, something cracking inside his soul when Minho's lips formed a more deeper frown for a second but then hides it with a smile.

"M-May I come in?"

Taehyung didn't even waste a second in moving aside to let him in. Minho takes off his shoes by the door and his pea coat to hang it on the coat rack before following Taehyung to the living room.

When they sat down on the couch, Taehyung turns to him with legs a crossed. Minho is staring at the fireplace with a dazed look in his glossy eyes, the redness at the corner of his eyes clearly evident from the warm light.

What happened?

"Hey," Taehyung says quietly, his worry only raising up, "What's wrong? I mean, you don't have to tell me but I'm worried."

Minho continues to stay silent before leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees, running a hand through his chestnut brown hair before pressing his fingers against his lips with eyes now much more glossier than before.

He wants to cry, but he holds it back.

"I'm leaving tomorrow," Minho finally whispers, his voice quiet and weak, "And it feels like..... The first time that I left all over again."

Taehyung twitches his lips to a deeper frown, fighting back the memory of his loud childish sobs when he woke up the next day to discover that his best friend was gone.

Months it was that Taehyung went through where he would try to cope with it, and it was never easy.

Until it eventually became nothing.

He felt nothing, just that loneliness for so many years.

Felix was the only person who was able to give emotions back into his body, but of course it's never the same.

Taehyung never felt the same.

So tenderly he places a hand on the others back to rub it gently, meanwhile Minho continued quietly, "The worse part is that I don't even know when I'm come back. So much has changed since I've left, but it all still feels...... Too much."

And finally he lets a tear escape his eye, letting it slide down his golden cheek before wiping it away and let's out a heavy breath, letting his hands drop numbly and his gaze turns to Taehyung.

"My fiancé called off the wedding.

Taehyung's heart dropped.



WAIT BEFORE WE JUMP INTO ANY CONCLUSIONS OR THEORIES........ I still don't know what I'm planing for the future so I'm going with the flow rn along with you guys haha

Let's get it!!


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