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Jungkook's Groupchat


Answer me

I'm outside your apartment with Taehyung, we're going in.


Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi

His trembling hands holds tightly onto the phone against his ear, hearing it go directly to voicemail every single fucking time. Each time feels like a new knife is stabbing against Jimin's heart, remembering the hysterical and frighten look in Taemin's eyes as he instantly got into a massive panic attack while Jimin was beating his cousin right in front of his face.

It was already too late for Jimin to do anything or reverse time once he realized what he was doing, he messed up.

And he heard clearly, like as bright as day, Taemin screaming through his sobs to Jimin after leaving his unconscious cousin on the ground as the ambulance arrived that Yuta called from the shop.

"We are done."

There's many things Jimin went through in his life that hurt him; being cheated on in the past, falling off his motorbike when he first used it, upon other things that are unnecessary to mention. But this, what Taemin said to him, with his piercing fearful eyes filled with tears as he goes through the trauma of violence right before his eyes, by far is the worst pain Jimin has ever felt in his life.

Especially when he just.... Didn't look at him when the ambulance door slammed shut behind him and his cousin.

When the line went to voicemail once again, Jimin let's out an agonizing scream and throws the phone on the floor in anger, bringing his knees to his chest as he sobs against them. He cries a noise he has never made before escape his mouth but that's the only way he can release this pain boiling in his chest, fueling him with guilt.

His cousin, he beat Taemin's fucking cousin.

What's worse is the fact that Jimin and Jackson do get along so well, and realizing that it was him after practically slamming his skull against the pavement only fueled him with this undeniable horror and snap to reality.

Taemin will never forgive him for this.

And Jimin already pushed him to his last string.

Suddenly the door to Jimin's room bursts open, snapping his head up in hopes that it's Taemin but only cries harder when he sees Jungkook and Taehyung storming inside.

"Get away from me!" Jimin screams when Jungkook tried to get closer, "I don't want either of you here! Go away!"

Jungkook grew a bit hesitant to this, not wanting to leave Jimin in this hysterical state alone. However Taehyung obviously didn't listen to him.

He got on his knees beside him, staring directly into his teary angry eyes to block out his emotions.

"It's okay Tiny," Taehyung whispers, slowly raising a hand towards him, "We won't judge you."

Jimin's heart squeezed tighter and tighter until the faucet of his eyes couldn't hold it in anymore, and he buries his face on his knees, crying his heart out.

Taehyung gently wraps his arms around him, leaning him towards his chest and rubbing his back comfortingly, his frown deepening to the upset male.

Jungkook has tears streaming down his cheeks, feeling so much pain for his broken hearted friends and joined in the embrace, wrapping his arms to Jimin's other side and rubbing his hair calmly.

"I-I lost him," Jimin sobs weakly, hugging his body closely as he lets the two body hold him, "I lost my Taemin."

There's nothing the two friends can say to comfort their smaller friend, only hold him tightly and let him know that he's not alone as he goes through this heartbreak.


I have no words to how devastating this is :(

Let's see what happens...


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