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All I Ask - Adele

Sweet Night - V


Taehyung stares at Minho, the other still staring motionlessly at the fireplace with a facial expression so devastated and broken, yet he tried so hard to hide it back.

It wasn't working.

Taehyung can see right through him.

Two years of an engagement just to hear that your fiancé broke it off, not even in person but through a call must be devastating as it is.

Taehyung remembers just the other day Minho giddily talking about his wedding plans, so much happiness and life in his eyes as he spoke about his fiancé.

To feel excited about something but then to have that crash down has to be an emotion so similar to an unbearable pain of betrayal in a way.

That's how Minho is feeling now, just..... Betrayal.

Taehyung scratches his arm through his long sleeved shirt, not knowing what to do since this is obviously not something he expected.

So he starts off with his curiosity, "W-Why?"

Minho's jaw clenches, gulping thickly before letting his shoulders drop with gaze now falling to his lap, "She just said that she doesn't want to get married now."

"I mean she can always postpone it-"

"Or at all," Minho finishes, cutting Taehyung off with his own pained voice, rubbing a hand down his face, "We've been having problems before and she says we lost our connection and- I don't know..... I thought everything was okay."

Taehyung did not expect for this hang out to end up like this. He hoped to perhaps they could lay down on the floor and stare up at the ceiling and continue to laugh and giggle about their childhood memories, maybe even talk about the topic that's not suppose to be mentioned.

And perhaps end it with a daring move for Taehyung just to take a memory of his beloved Minho with him before he never sees him again.

Now, Taehyung wants to do anything but that.

Seeing someone so special in his heart like this just wiped any selfish thoughts from Taehyung's head, feeling the realization slowly settle on him.

Everything he wanted to do flies out to the storm outside, pushing his heart out of the way so it wouldn't ache to what he was about to say next.

So with a brave soul, Taehyung takes one of Minho's hands that made the other look at him with those large puppy brown eyes.

He's doing the right thing.....

That's all that matters.

Minho's happiness is what matters.

"When you go back to Spain, go after her," Taehyung encourages, a small smile on his lips, "Maybe you both have been having problems, but show her that the connection is still here. What's meant to be will always come back to each other, so don't give up and fight for her if she's worth it. The Minho I knew never gave up on the things that are important to him, so don't start now."

Those words felt like spatting out poison, but deep down it felt like a bandaid just placed itself on a fresh scar.

This is what Taehyung needs to do.

For Minho, and for himself.

What ached is that hopeful gleam that cleared Minho's eyes, his hand tightening on Taehyung's with a weak smile.

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