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Dusk Till Dawn - Zayn ft Sia


There's a nervous way Woosung paces around their room, rubbing their hands nervously together as they remember the conversation earlier today with their manager.

Tour is coming up soon, and Woosung will be gone for a while since it's a world tour.

The reminder of tour was to the back of Woosung's mind through break, but now they must deal with the reality that he's leaving.

Just for a while.

And it's something they haven't told Jungkook about just yet.

But Woosung is going to when he gets here, and hopefully he won't feel too..... Upset.

Knowing Jungkook, it'll hit him very very hard.

There's suddenly a knock on Woosung's door, snapping their attention from glaring at the floor to see the door opening to reveal their precious ravenette.

He's smiling so brightly at them. It's that similar smile as though Woosung is the most beautiful angel he's ever encountered with. It's the way his eyes illuminates in joy as he steps into the room and closes the door shut behind him, skipping towards his beloved partner to instantly engulf them in a hug that just shows his undeniable love without speaking words.

Woosung didn't want to cry as they hug Jungkook back, reminding themselves that they'll see Jungkook again but it'll just take a little more time.

This is the time that they have to be stronger than ever while being apart.

"I love you," Jungkook murmurs against Woosung's neck, pressing a peck before pulling back to kiss their lips, but frowns upon seeing the glossy glow in Woosung's gaze and the deep frown on their lips, "Hey what's wrong?"

There's nothing Woosung can say now because of the knot in their throat, so they only grab Jungkook's jaw gently and clasp their lips together.

Woosung wanted to put this to the back of their head, just for a little while more and appreciate this moment with their precious Bambi. However Jungkook was not easily convinced and pulls away, expression still form as he looks at Woosung.

"WooWoo please," Jungkook says instantly, caressing Woosung's cheekbones with his thumbs with his frown, "Talk to me."

Remembering just feels like a hammer to Woosung's heart just thinking about being away from Jungkook for that long of a time. Since they go together, they've been together all the time.

Well not always because they also have a life, but they do spend a lot of time together.

Now..... That's not going to happen for a while, and the phone screens will just have to do for now.

So with a heavy sigh, Woosung shrugs their shoulders down and takes Jungkook's hand, guiding him to the bed and sits him down before getting on him to straddle his lap.

Comfortably Jungkook wraps his arms around their waist, meeting their eyes and waits patiently for Woosung to speak on what's wrong with them.

The other only stays quiet, studying Jungkook's face before their eyes. Woosung takes in his cute wide Bambi eyes that are reflective windows to his soul, perky pink lips, the small cute scar by his cheek bone, just Jungkook as a human.

A beautiful human.

Who Woosung is utterly in love with.

"Tour is coming soon, next week to be precise, for V."

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