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I love you - Billie Eilish


Please don't go - Barcelona


All I want - Kodaline


Taemin stares at the coffee table, tears beaming his puffy eyes as he sits on the couch with MinMin curling up to his neck, almost like she's hugging him again. She's been like this while Taemin holds onto her, letting himself release his tears against her soft orange fur.

That's all he's been able to do.

However the second the front door opens, she perks her head up and instantly moves from Taemin's arms and runs away, leaving Taemin to feel nothing but anger of an ache that followed it in his heart.

He hates this ache too much.

When Jimin opened the door of the apartment, he was surprised to see the living room lamp on but quickly side tracked his focus when MinMin suddenly jumps on him, caressing her head happily against on his face as he holds onto his shirt with her claws.

That's the first time she's ever done this to him.

"My princess!" Jimin chuckles adoringly as he closes the door behind him, "Why are the lights-"

Jimin stops the second he sees a person sitting on the couch.

A very familiar person much to his sensitive heart.

He couldn't breathe, or maybe it was the illusion that confused him and made him think he couldn't breathe anymore.

Yet he feels his lungs squeeze, especially when the person turns their head towards him.


This is real......

Or is it?!

"I need to move on? I'm sorry? Seriously?" Taemin spits bitterly, shaking his head with his tears still just on the verge of escaping past his eyelids, "Are you kidding me?"

Jimin still is frozen, seconds away from slapping himself because he's not sure if this is real or a hallucination like before. But when MinMin gets off him and walks towards Taemin, caressing her tail against his chest, Jimin knew this was fucking real.

He's here.

He's actually here.

There's so many things just crashing down at him at once, so many emotions and thoughts that he can't decide which one to settle on.

But his lips were already moving before his mind could catch up, "Taemin...... What are you doing here?"

Taemin is on his feet now, practically stomping towards Jimin now with flaring eyes, "Why do you think I'm here? I came to see MinMin since you told me she's been depressed!" He sneers angrily, "And now you decide to fucking block me from her life just because your new boyfriend told you so?! Are you serious right now?!"

The sudden outburst is what rattled Jimin from his state, realizing what Taemin is saying and completely threw out his state of shock.

And he twitched in aggravation.

"What the fuck do you expect me to do? I have to move on Taemin like how you did!" Jimin snarls sourly, feeling his nerves quenching in his body, "The only way I can forget you is by cutting you off completely."

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