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Broken - Isak Danielson

His puffy eyes blinks numbly to the body laying on the hospital bed, unable to stop the coil of his anger and disappointment from bubbling up his body, leaving him quivering on the chair with his hands anxiously rubbing against each other.

Jackson looks.... Dead.

Taemin would probably believe it if it wasn't for the heart monitor beeping steadily beside him, being the evidence that Jackson is alive despite the broke bone on his nose and stitches he had to get on his cheek bone from the punch of Jimin's fist. He had to be intensely aided from the blood that came out from the back of his head when he was slammed back to the pavement, but thankfully it wasn't anything too severe.

At least.

He'll survive, thankfully.

A small knock suddenly hit the door, but Taemin felt too numb to utter a word back to come in. It seemed as though the person from the other side understood because they pushed the door open gently

In steps Seokjin, who has been here since Jackson was taken away. Taemin was going through a hysterical mental breakdown when he got to the hospital that he had to be taken to a room with a nurse to calm down because he was getting massive flashbacks all at once. Thankfully Seokjin was there to calm him down as well, but Taemin ended up leaving because he felt like he was going to lose his mind being surrounded by so many people.

So he left for a while, right before Jimin arrived to the hospital.

Taemin didn't know that he went.

After a while of being alone at the park to ease Taemin's damn mind from the swirling thoughts clouding his head, he went back to the hospital and blocked everyone's number.

He didn't want to talk to anyone, still doesn't at the moment.

The only reason he hasn't completely blocked off Seokjin is because the other is stubborn to leave, and is his boss. So he wants to make sure Taemin is okay, and also be there for Jackson since they kinda had a thing back then before he left.

Taemin hasn't left this room since he was given access here, just staring at his cousin, hoping he will wake up soon to do all these activities that he was looking forward to be doing here.

All Taemin can do is wait and hope that he'll be okay within more time.

"Anything kid?" Seokjin asks quietly, gripping Taemin's shoulder in a comforting squeeze.

Taemin only shakes his head, rubbing a hand down his face in exhaustion, "Nothing. The doctor said he'll most likely wake up tomorrow morning but they're not sure yet."

Lowly Seokjin hums, sending a soft look to Taemin's completely drained facial features and takes the other chair in the room it set it beside him, "Have you... Spoken to Jim-"

"Please don't mention him right now," Taemin snaps coldly, his throat growing tighter in a knot within a familiar anxiety rising up his body, "I can't..... I can't deal with this anymore. This is Jackson, my cousin Seokjin. I'm so tired of everyone near me always being hurt because of Jimin."

It didn't take much motivation for Seokjin to give him a side hug to comfort his soul, even if Taemin didn't move an inch as he continues to stare with blurry eyes to his cousin.

It hurts. It hurts thinking how happy his cousin was to be here, to spend time with him and his family, to only have it get fucked over by someone who was just blinded by their anger to control themselves. By jealousy. It hurts that Taemin shouldn't even be surprised but yet he is.

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