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Jungkook's Mega Groupchat

Alright guys, we have everything ready for the birthday get together next week?

Ordered the balloons you told me to get

I already called the restaurant to get ready

Bought the cake batter

Already drew the rough draft design of the cake

Me and Felix already know where to take them out

We're going to the movies

But then it'll be your call to come through and be all Prince Charming

Yoongi spoke to our manager so we are good to go with privacy

Alright everything sounds good!!!

I'm going to throw up

You're planning on asking them out right?


I'm so nervous

Don't be they really likes you

Yeah you'll be fine little one

Thank you!

Jungkook's Groupchat


What are you guys up rn?

Taking a break from recording

On my way to the shop

Okay so I have another request

Can you guys meet me at the park tonight?

What type of sketchy shit are you planning?

It's valid and important I swear!

Glad you're making space Taehyung thank you!


You're lucky I'm done recording today

Uh....... I guess I'll go after my date

Great!!! See you tonight at 8


The sky seems to be in its good mood today since the sun is shining bright over the city, casting a luminous and contiguous happiness to everyone who steps outside to this beautiful day.

And Taemin is feeling the full affect of it.

His smile is wide today, just finish taking his break and is on his way back to the tattoo shop, wanting nothing more but to speed up his day so he can go on his date with Jimin today!

They're going to the movies and to say Taemin is excited to go out with his boyfriend would be an understatement, especially since Jimin isn't exactly the type to go out as often for occasions like that.

But he was feeling more affectionate than usual today, so that's when the date was brought up.

Taemin squeals excitedly under his breath and was just about to push the door to the tattoo shop open, but then he stops.


And suddenly his body is tackled to the side, brought into a strong and tight hug, maybe even lifted into the air as the person squeals under their breath.

For a good second Taemin assumed it was Jungkook or Ten maybe, since Jimin isn't the type to be like..... This. However when he was suddenly put down and met the gaze of a familiar face, his face drops and twists to the most widest smile of the exploding happiness in his body.

"JACKSON!" Taemin shrieks, throwing his arms around his cousin once again, kinda having to jump a little since he's tall, "YOU CAME BACK FROM FRANCE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!"

Jackson squeals broadly and holds his cousin before settling him down, doing the greeting of kissing both of his cheeks as a force of habit by now, "Duh I wanted to surprise you!" He beams, looking at the shop, "And visit everyone else, I miss this shop!"

Taemin's cousin definitely has changed a lot since the last two years he's seen him; taller, more built, and just look more manly. He use to be a little bit of a scrawny kid but he definitely changed in France.

"What about your Psychology degree?" Taemin asks, still unable to hide his smile in joy. Before Jackson left to France, him and Taemin use to be more like brothers than cousins. It was pretty devastating that Jackson had to leave to pursuit his career but he always made sure to keep a consistent communication with Taemin at all the times.

Jackson looks at Taemin with his equally joyful eyes, "Vacation time, so I'm be here for a while and stay with my parents," He beams and couldn't help but hugging him again like a little teddy bear, "Gah I am so excited to finally catch up with you- Fuck where's Jimin?! I have to catch up with him too!"

All Taemin could do is laugh, hugging his cousin back as he can't wait to tell the news of his cousin's return to Jimin.

But what he didn't know or notice was the pair of eyes staring at him from across the street, only able to see the back of Jackson's body with a giggling Taemin.

Only seeing another man touching his boyfriend.

Only hearing another man make him sound that happy.

Only feeling his blood boil like a volcano in his body.

The flowers Jimin held onto slips past his shakily fingers, crashing to the ground and his hands balled to a tight fist.

He's seeing blood red now and he completely lost who the fuck he was.




Okay just to clarify, Jimin couldn't see exactly who Jackson was because he was across the street, so that's why he got mad because he thought it was just someone he didn't know.

Oh boy let's see what happens!


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