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Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys (I think this song resembles 2Min a lot in this story)

The song and picture should speaks for itself :) have fun!


Jimin's ears are buzzing, way too loud for his liking.

The party is so loud and the fireworks don't even help the slightest in this case. However he's still dancing, still smiling, feeling carefree with the amounts of alcohol in his body.

Not a complete mistake coming to this party at all, and Jimin sure does feel the festive vibes here at a very high level.

Yeosang fixed him up pretty good, in a way. He took off another button from his shirt and lowered the collar to reveal more of Jimin's collar and shoulder blades. The shirt itself is tugged more upward by the front, held up by a golden lace string to keep it in place. However this not only reveals a tease of Jimin's abdomen to the world, but his belly piercing as well.

That he got two month ago actually.

Hwanwoong, Yeosang's new little friend he made here, took it upon himself to fix Jimin's make up to make him look elegant yet as though he's not wearing too much make up so it wouldn't look all caked up.

The red lipstick really makes this entire look pop out all together.

The dressed pants and shoes were acceptable, so they left it at that.

The tattoos were covered, just for the sake of the outfit and Jimin grew cocky that he would definitely catch Taemin's attention looking like this.

Oh how wrong he was.

When Taemin walked out of their room, wearing only a black button up shirt with rolled up sleeves and the first three buttons unclipped, letting the shirt hug his form beautifully as if it was a second skin, Jimin nearly convulsed.

It's such a simple outfit that he makes it look like it came out of a fucking magazine, well when he wore it because Jimin knows damn well if it was anyone else they wouldn't pull it off.

They didn't really say anything to each other, much to their disappointment but Yeosang was there to ease the evident tension the two have going through.

From there everything was a blur and very wild.

Three hours of alcohol, food and a hell of a lot of music later, Jimin was becoming ecstatic. Well more so he already did. He was loose along with everyone here, maybe slapping a few perverted guys who tried to dance with him but other than that it was great!

For the most part, Taemin was on Jimin like a leech. They didn't have much music to grind to like back home, but they definitely showed off their chemistry to the various Latin music they played.

Okay so reggaeton would be considered grinding music so perhaps Jimin went a little too over board with it, but Taemin was not complaining.

They were happy, and that's all that mattered at this very moment.

Taemin got quite the attention actually, and was asked to dance various of times. Jimin wasn't even annoyed as before, instead he smiled because he knows that Taemin is one attractive person who's aura just demands attention without seeking it. It make him feel nice that many people appreciate his beauty too, but Jimin won't lie that it felt extra good when he would reject them.

Every single time.

His attention sole being on Jimin alone, like as though he's been enchanted by a siren.

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