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Jungkook's Whores

Taemin is here

We're leaving rn

How's MinMin?

She looks...... The same

Just don't start throwing fists when you get here

Keep the atmosphere calm for MinMin please

Yeah I'll do that

We don't doubt it

Alright see you later tiny

Thank you for looking after her once again🥺

That's family for you ☺️


Moon And Back - Alice Kristiansen

Taehyung drops down on the couch the second he got to Jungkook's house, closing his eyes with his head pounding as though a brick is constantly slamming against his skull.

Thankfully Jungkook went to the kitchen and got Advil and water to aid his friend, knowing of his distress with their connection.

"Thanks," Taehyung mutters lowly while taking the medicine and glass from the ravenette, drinking down the pills before setting the glass back on the coffee table and sits back on the couch with eyes closed.

It's been such a long day.

Jungkook smiles softly at him and sits beside him, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Yeah you need the vacation away from here. Fame is going to make you headless."

Taehyung chuckles, pinching Jungkook's cheek with his fingers, "I'll be fine, not the first time I'm getting a headache."

This made Jungkook frown a little more, feeling pity for the other man. Taehyung has days where he wouldn't text or reach out to anyone because of how his physical state of being exhausted is. He overworks himself too much and even though it brings out good results, its very bad for his health.

So gently Jungkook pulls away and guides Taehyung by the shoulders to lay down, so his head is rested on the ravenettes thighs. He was relaxed and didn't say anything since this is not something new for the three friends to be affectionate, maybe Jimin not so much, and Jungkook instantly massages his temples to ease some of his tension.

This perked a small smile on Taehyung's lips as he closes his eyes back shut, "Woosung is so lucky. They gets to experience this literally every second of the day."

A small chuckle comes out of Jungkook's lips as he runs his fingers through his hair, knowing it always relaxes him, "Well it's actually the other way around. They take care of me a lot."

"I know, that's Woosung for you," Taehyung chuckles with him and flutters his eyes open, his smile slightly tugging into a frown when he makes eye contact with Jungkook, "Do you think I'll ever find someone to take care of me too?"

This is a quiet and simple question, yet it's something that haunts Taehyung's mind all the time. Slowly he's feeling more and more helpless with the concept of love, wanting to be with someone to hold or just give him love.

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