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"Shut up I almost have it- Wait just a little- AH FUCK!"

The man suddenly falls from on top of the refrigerator in his attempt on taping a ballon to the ceiling to form a design, but thankfully Wonho was near by to catch him before he actually met with his death.

"Ah yes! I got a muscular Prince Charming," Ten beams with a teasing smile, making Wonho blush a bright crimson red but earn a scold from Yoongi to hop off his boyfriend.

Surprisingly everyone has been calm here, waiting for a miracle to arrive to slice the little tension here. Taemin and Jimin have avoided each other at all cost, same with Felix and Taehyung but it's not as awkward as the freshly broken up couple

Despite Jimin and Taemin having a very emotional break up last night, they woke up with this sudden spike of anger and annoyance of each other's presence. It's like a very odd defense mechanism.

It's like anger is the only thing they can cling onto in order to be apart, but that love still exists and it still hurts. Taemin wants to look after himself and by being mad he can be more brutal on pushing Jimin away and concealing his feelings,meanwhile Jimin wants to get closer to him but the only we he can get a response is if he's annoyed himself.

In reality he just wants Taemin to give him attention, just anything.

Meanwhile Felix and Taehyung are more on the moderate and accepting phrase. They just prefer not talking to each other, but it's evident enough how it hurts Felix to see Taehyung talk so laid back around Jimin or to see them laughing in general.

Yeah it's an awkward party, but for Woosung they wouldn't mind acting like they're all the best friends of the world.

As long as they have a good day to remember.

Just then the lock on the door turns and that was a sign for everyone to bolt to their feet, getting ready to scream at the top of their lungs.

And they did the second they saw Woosung's smiling face, exploding confetti all over the place. Instantly Woosung jumps back from the sudden abrupt noise, bumping into a giggling Jungkook but then suddenly squeals with hands to their lips in shock.

"Aw you guys!" Woosung beams, smiling over the beautiful decorate dorm or rose gold and gold, "This is so sweet! Thank you!"

Jungkook giggles fondly at their priceless reaction as everyone instantly began to tackle Woosung in hugs. The ravenette steers out of the way to give them space and walks towards Taehyung and Jimin, who look as though they'd want to jump off a bridge would smile through the way down.

"How was it?" Jungkook asks, taking the beer that Jimin offered out to him, "Any fights?"

Taehyung and Jimin sigh heavily, taking a swing of their drink at the same time before humming.

"Nah, it's just a little tense," Taehyung murmurs, taking a swing and nods at Jungkook back, "What about you? How was your date?"

Jungkook smiles softly as his eyes stared at Woosung, who's accusing Taemin and Felix of knowing about this the whole entire time with bright smiles.

"It was nice," Jungkook mumbles and takes a large gulp of his beer before turning to them, "After this are your guys busy?"

Jimin evidently frowns, "Ah such a stupid question to ask to me."

Taehyung agreed quietly and raises an eyebrow, "Why?"

"Let's go get some drinks," Jungkook states, his eyes fluttering slight to the way both Jimin and Taehyung look at him in confusion, "I need it."

Judging by the look on Jungkook's face, the two friends decided not to press on the matter of Jungkook's sudden suggestion.

"Well you know me," Jimin mutters, taking an intake of his vape pen and exhaling then smoke, "Where ever there's alcohol, sad music, and fucked up company, I'm in."

At least Jungkook has some company after all.

Taemin's Twitter Messages


You're the guy from Felix's post right?


Lol didn't take long to find me

Oh your mutual follower is someone I know lol

I just wanted to tell you that you're very attractive and I hope it's not too bold of me to ask if I could get to know you 🥺


My heart is already taken

I just asked to get to know you, not to date you 😅

I didn't mean to sound as though I'm trying to get at you

Perhaps just as friends😊

Hm..... I'll think about it

I don't do well with strangers

I wouldn't blame you

I just came up to you out of no where and didn't even give you my name, yeah sounds like a creep to me 😅😬

Lol nooo nothing like that😂

Hmm you aren't a creepy stalker that just wants nudes or a sex slave right?🤔

The block button will look very attractive if that was the case☺️

Lol nooo, I'm kinda hoping that you aren't a creepy stalker yourself so I guess we both are taking a risk here

Hm true

Lol I'm Taemin😊

I'm Jeonghan, nice to meet you 😊


So I'm debating whether to make a specific event happen soon or not. I don't know how much it will impact the story itself, but we'll see what I come up with!


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