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Lonesome Town - Rick Nelson

Something about coming into this dorm feels a heavy brick is settling on Taehyung's shoulders, making him feel unstable and unbalanced. He's not even to drunk to brush away the loneliness these walls hold, sluggishly making his way to his room with slump shoulders and a deep frown on his lips.

It's silent, nothing but the sound of his feet moving across the floor he enters his lonely room, greater with nothing by the shadows hidden in the corners with the window being some sort of light peeking through the windows.

Once upon a time he had someone here with him, snuggling him to sleep with the deep purrs of their sleep exhaling their lips, melting in this sensation of complete peace of having their bodies tied together for that single moment.

Where everything felt perfect.

Now Taehyung snuggles fo his empty blankets, being cuddled but the ghosts around him as he lets his eyes be filled with silent tears.

It feels lonely.

Being alone feels lonely.

Missing someone feels lonely.

Not a day goes by where Taehyung doesn't wish he could just turn back time, treasuring those precious moments that he took for granted, take back all the stupid mistakes he did and let it be filled with nothing but love.

But he can't do that.

He can't turn back time, rewrite the past to how he wants it.

Felix wouldn't be as happy as how he is with Yeosang right now, and Taehyung wouldn't want to ruin the beautiful chemistry that they have built up.

Even if it hurts him, but he adores Yeosang so this makes letting Felix go much more bearable.

Suddenly his phones dings, but he was too lazy and in his own sadness to get it. However his curiosity got the best of him and he slides his phone out, seeing a notification from Twitter.

A message.

I finished the final draft of your tattoo and it's ready!

Whenever you come back, we can get to work on it 😊

Taehyung finds himself twitching a smile and responds with a simple 'thank you' before putting his phone down, closing his eyes and mildly hoping this break passes by sooner.

At least he now has something to look forward to when he becomes back.

IDFC - Blackbear

The door flies open, letting the two bodies stumble inside the darkness of the apartment with the window being somewhat of a guide to them. A faint drunken giggle bubbles out one of their lips as the other holds them up, closing the door shut with their back with a grunt.

This is not how Jimin expected the night to go.

Taemin was not suppose to get fucking wasted, out of a miracle really since he doesn't get drunk easily.

Guess he had a little too much to drink, way past his capacity.

Jimin hitches his breath as Taemin tightens his arm from around his neck, keeping him closer and sloppily began to peck his skin with his wet lips.

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