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Taehyung giggles as he sees, since he can't even read properly, Felix's messages, his body complete covered by giddiness before he turns to Jimin. The ginger is sitting beside him, on his phone with a bored expression, glossy eyes staring at the screen but not at all swayed in the drunken state.

"Tiny I want a kiss."

Jimin didn't even blink at him, only continues to text his boyfriend, it his lips did twitch to a scowl.

"Kiss your hand."

A huff stumbles out of Taehyung's lips with a pout, but the more he stares as his lips, the more drawn he feels towards them. It's pink, full and just..... Fuck.

Taehyung suddenly dips his head and leans towards Jimin's face.

Pressing his lips against his.

It took seconds, maybe less, where Jimin suddenly pushed him back so hard that Taehyung crashed back to the door; Laughing now to his giddy state and his buzzed his lips feel.

Jimin is staring at him with a horrified expression, the light of the phone reflecting his face that showed the clear pitch of anger storming his eyes.

"The fuck! Taehyung we're both taken you stupid whore! I'm not into that shit like Jungkook."

Taehyung continues to giggle as he texts Felix, hoping he typed what he was going to say properly before he tries once again to kiss Jimin but the other this time slaps him.


"Control yourself!" Jimin shrieks anxiously, making Taehyung laugh more carefree as he lays back on the floor with his pretty smile to the ceiling.

"You have pretty lips tiny," Taehyung murmurs quietly and moving his dark gaze towards him, "I wonder how they would look around my dick."

Jimin by now is livid.

Not only because Taehyung managed to single handedly fuck everything with the not, yet still, friendship they were developing, but because now Jimin feels guilty.

He feels like he just cheated on Taemin, and he did.

H-He just cheated on Taemin.

He didn't want to!

Taehyung kissed him! It wasn't him!

No this is going to fuck over everything! All of Jimin's progress, EVERYTHING!

Those thoughts only made Jimin press his knees to his chest, tears glistening his eyes with wobbly lips now to the agony. The fear now began to ate him alive; just thinking that he won't have his Taemin beside him anymore is enough to completely destroy him to pieces.

And he can't even fuck Taehyung over with his fists because that will definitely make things much more worse than it already is.

"Hey tiny? Are you crying?" Taehyung slurs, dragging himself beside Jimin and plopping his head on his shoulder, making Jimin flinch, "I'm sorry, I can't think properly and I can get very implosive."

Jimin can't say anything more, but he feels his throat tighten more and more. He knows this isn't Taehyung's fault entirely, he is intoxicated and is like an actually baby. Jungkook is a daddy drunk, Taehyung is a baby drunk. Jimin is unaffected but he does get sentimental, just like now.

Filling him with complete and utter fear.

But thankfully the door of the closet suddenly bursts open just as he was about to burst into tears, shedding the LED lights inside the small space.

It didn't even take long for Jimin to spring to his feet, pushing past Felix and instantly latching his arms around Taemin's body.

And he began to cry.

"Minnie," Taemin cooes worriedly, holding his boyfriend tightly with a deep frown as Jimin hugs him as though his life depends on it, "What's wrong?"

Felix looks at the two, a knowing look in his eyes with a deep frown on his lips as he helps Taehyung to his feet, who was making stupid commentaries on the lights around the room.

Taemin doesn't know what he did, Felix didn't have it in him to say something and hopes Jimin will say something about it.

"I want to go home," Jimin sobs, inhaling his boyfriend's familiar sent of apples with relief and anxiety, "Please lets go home, I don't want to be here."

Taemin and Felix only meets each other's gaze, trying to understand what the fuck is happening but Taemin is far too worried to question it.

Fuck this party, his Minnie needs him.

He needs his angel, since that's exactly what Taemin is to him since the second they met.


Consent is important people! Even if it's a friend, it's important to ask for consent.

Now this is something that's going to possibly be very hard for Jimin to move past from, and more so because he believe it will effect his life and that alone can be very scary.

Let's see what happens!


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