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Talk Me Down- Troye Sivan


There's something about the way that he breathes that seems as though he's humming a melody, a familiar rhythm that only a few can understand.

And Yeosang was not one of those people.

He stares at the boy sleeping on his chest, curled up to his body like a small kitten with gently breathes escaping his parted lips. It was oddly comforting seeing him breathe, more so breathing while he's sleeping because he just seems so peaceful as he does it.

Almost as though as if he's not afraid of the world, or of who may come hammering down his happiness at any moment if he's not careful.

Innocent, small and fragile.

That's how Hwanwoong is.

Meanwhile Yeosang is the total opposite; He is the person behind the hammer to shatter whoever's happiness stands in his way. He's the person who hates weakness and moves it out of his sight, only fueling himself with the strength to be strong all the time.

For those he truly cared about.

However with Hwanwoong, as much as he tries to brush him aside with his crude remarks and blunt tongue, the other male seems to find some kinetic energy off of that. Almost as though he feeds off it.

Yeosang pushes, Hwanwoong pulls.

Yeosang snaps, Hwanwoong giggles.

It's like he takes that negativity and makes it positive. And as much as it annoys Yeosang to the last core of this male's personality, he doesn't want anything to happen to him.

He doesn't want for Hwanwoong to come across someone like Yeosang but more brutal, who won't care about his heart.

So that's why he holds him tighter as he sleeps, being his shield and the hammer, but not to him, but to the world so they won't get near him.

And Yeosang is not standing in this alone.

Just then his phone rings, more so vibrates since he didn't want to disturb the boy. He takes the phone and instantly smiles when he sees its Felix FaceTiming him and didn't waste time in answering him.

However the second Felix appeared on the screen, Yeosang places a finger on his lips to stay quiet and shows the camera to Hwanwoong to show that he's sleeping.

Felix instantly smiles, "Hes so cute! How long has he been sleeping?"

"Like for an hour or so, he knocks out pretty fast," Yeosang whispers, rubbing his fingers up and down his spine to keep him in his sleeping daze, "And quite the cuddling type."

Felix giggles quietly to this with his sparkling eyes, "I wish I could meet him in person. He's already so sweet and adorable."

"And I'm trash."

"But the special kind!"

Yeosang scowls at Felix while the other giggles adoringly, unable to to fight back his smile to his adorable boyfriend who he misses so much.

They can be trash together in that case.

Suddenly Hwanwoong began to shift and groggily flutters his eyes open, automatically smiling when he sees Felix on the FaceTime screen.

Felix lost it the second he noticed the other was awake.

"My cute little baby finally woke up! Did you sleep well? I hope Yeosang didn't wake you up."

Hwanwoong yawns quietly and snuggles closer to Yeosang, making the other twitch a smile.

"I slept very good thank you," He murmurs sleepily, unable to take his eyes off Felix with sparkling eyes, "You look beautiful by the way."

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