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Truth Untold - BTS

Taehyung has never pushed through a fucking crowd so aggressively in his damn life. He probably flinged a girl to a wall by accident but he doesn't care as he practically sprints up the stairs and down the hallway.

He storms through every room since he didn't know which one it was, probably walked in a few make out session, until finally he came to the room he was looking for.

On the bed a familiar small man is curled up as he sits, face on his knees as his body shakes in a familiar way that Taehyung has seen plenty of times before.

Almost instantly he rushes towards him, but Jimin screams.

He scrambles back immediately to the headrest of the bed but the second he looks up, seeing Taehyung there, he relaxes with the tears streaming down his cheeks in an endless river streams.

He looks so..... Broken.

"M-My chest," Jimin stutters with a very lower whimper as he rubs a hand to his chest to ease the ache, "I-I feel so d-dirty."

Taehyung frowns deeply at him and gently brings him into his arms, hugging him to the side as Jimin lays his head on his shoulder; crying silently while Taehyung rubs his arm to calm him down.

This is not the first time Taehyung has seen Jimin fall into an emotionally breakdown, but it always hurts every time seeing him like this since he's usually always so closed off and refuses to express his emotions.

What's weird about this is that this is happening at a party, in a bedroom, and that only made Taehyung's mind fly to the worst.

If someone hurt him......

Taehyung would drag the whole crew for this, who wouldn't need much motivation, and wouldn't mind going to prison.

"What's wrong Tiny?" Taehyung coes, rubbing his fingers through Jimin's drenched sweaty hair, "You're burning up, what happened?"

Jimin only clutches tightly to Taehyung's shirt, trembling like a small puppy before finally being able to speak.

"M-Me and Yoongi were going to do it," Jimin whimpers, squeezing his eyes shut to not make himself cry even more, "B-But when he was unbuckling my pants, I-I panicked so hard that I disconnected myself a-and....... I was so scared."

Taehyung gaps his lips, eyes widen in shock but Jimin only continued, "H-He touched me, and all I could feel in my chest is how disgusted I am with myself. How everything just hurts and it didn't feel right! I didn't feel okay!" And Jimin pulls away from Taehyung and grips his hair, gasping for air through his sobs, "I told him to stop, and he did. Of course he did since h-he's very respectful, but he g-got annoyed."

Suddenly Jimin rubs his arms, smudging the paint more than it already is, his face twisting up horribly, "He told me if I'm not ready for something like this than to not lead him on. I-I told him before that I wanted to take it s-slow and that I'm s-seeing things as it goes with us. I w-wasn't trying to lead him on," Jimin hiccups with his glossy eyes to the floor, sniffling quietly, "I didn't ask to be like this! I didn't ask to have my heart fucking broken and not want the touch of another person. I'm trying! I really am!"

All Taehyung can do now is listen to him and comfort him with a hand rubbing his back while he tries to gather his composure, but only is left shaking his head with his lips horribly trembling in distress.

"He tried for again and by that point I was having this..... Fear and paranoia clouding my body, it was so bad that...... I cried out Taemin's name so he can help me," And Jimin's face scrunches up more and he's hugging himself tightly, "But he never came obviously since he's not fucking here, and Yoongi left me here, a-alone."

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