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Sucker - Jonas Brothers


Jungkook just knows that children just magically hate him.

He feels it in his gut whenever a child looks at him that they just hate him!

The feeling is mutual because he believes now that he is actually allergic to kids.


And the screaming.

It won't stop.

Jungkook practically fights with the air when he felt a small body climb up the bed, jumping between him and Woosung with a giddily smile.

He's always screaming, and happy.

Too much energy!

Woosung being the kind angel that they are, they beam in joy and sits up, taking their baby brother Chris in their arms and tickles his sides.

"You sure know how to do a wake up call," Woosung giggles to the giggling boy, making Jungkook fight back a groan as he clutches tighter to the pillow in his attempt to continue sleeping.


That's a little habit little Chris has developed, calling Jungkook Kookie, and screaming it precisely as if Jungkook is not literally inches away from him.

It's like he knows that Jungkook can't stand loud noises.

Woosung smiles in amusement to Jungkook's whining and looks back to their baby brother, "Where's mom and dad?"

The kid points down, signifying downstairs and Woosung instantly smiles and ruffles with his hair, "Alright, we'll be downstairs in a few minutes."

The brother smiles again and quickly gets off the bed, not before slapping Jungkook's bare arm to wake up and rushing out of the room, right when Jungkook shoots up with puffy glaring eyes to where he left off to.

"I'm telling you, he hates me."

Woosung laughs to this, wrapping their arms around Jungkook's neck and presses a peck against their boyfriend's cheek.

"I think he's growing onto you very much."

This whirled Jungkook's head towards them, face of complete dread fixes on his features, "Thats growing onto me?!? I can't imagine how it'll be like if he actually likes me."

Woosung laughs to this and presses another kiss to his cheek, "Alright, that's enough nap time. We slept for nearly the whole day."

And it was peaceful.

Jungkook could literally stay like this all day and he would not complain.

Maybe the kid will, but he won't.

However they have a dinner to attend. Something Jungkook has been trying to hard to keep at the back of his mind.

Without wasting much time, Woosung and Jungkook washed up and got dressed in another attire. It was a mission impossible for the two to get through that without touching or teasing each other somehow, maybe add a few kisses here and there, but Woosung had to literally drag Jungkook out of the bedroom as his shyness began to build up its momentum.

It's time for dinner and Jungkook is by far not looking forward to this occasion.

Woosung has said over multiple times that he'll be fine, that their parents are very nice people.

Oh he doesn't deny that, he's just a nervous wreck as it is because he knows how he is.

This is going to go so bad.

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