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Jungkook's Messages

I'm outside

Can I come in



Jungkook nearly flips his phone out of his hand by how badly he's twitching in anxiety, but thankfully he got a strong firm grasp on it and shoved it in his pocket.

Alright, this is it.

Let's do this.

He takes a deep breath and opens the door, nervously peeking his head inside.

Woosung is on the floor at the middle of their bedroom, zipping up their luggage with a heavy sigh before their eyes looks over to the door.

Meeting Jungkook's direct gaze.

Jungkook nearly chokes on his breath because Woosung's once platinum hair is now black, melting every cell of his body into a puddle to how fucking adorable they looks. However he manages to remain strong, forcing a small smile and steps inside, closing the door shut.

"Getting ready to go?"

Woosung smiles and nods, standing up and sitting on the bed, patting it gently, "Sit."

Jungkook quietly sits down, unable to look at Woosung properly in the eye. He stares at his twitching hands instead, growing anxious to how badly they're shaking and how his chest squeezes as though someone is stepping on it hard. Sweat is starting to clam his skin and Jungkook knows if he doesn't start talking soon than he's instantly going to go into a massive panic attack.

"I-I," Jungkook is stuttering horribly, making himself flinch to the way his throat feels as though it's been rubbed by sandpaper, "I won't..... Make excuses for what I did..... If y-you want the honest truth than I'll give it to you."

His lungs are now being squeezed by invisible hands, making it so hard for him to breathe alone. He doesn't want to cry, but his unstoppable tears are glossing his eyes that he has to close them to stop himself from letting them escape.

"I know you made it clear for me.... B-But I can't d-describe what I felt at that moment when you just said no," Jungkook is scratching his head now, trying to keep his breathing calm but his pulses are accelerating way too fast for him to keep up, "I-It felt like I just d-disconnected from my body. I heard you but it d-didn't sink in and I just..... I just felt hurt since I did so much for you on y-your birthday."

Woosung stares at him intently, sitting up with a small frown, "You mean dissociate?"

Jungkook nods with his eyes still screwed shut and he takes a deep breath, "I-It happens often with me. I just..... I wanted to be away, and I just assumed you broke it off with me, I just wasn't processing well," And his grip on his hair tightens hard, fighting to feel the pain of his skull than the knives scratching his organs, "So I went with Taehyung and Jimin t-to get drinks a-and my body just..... With alcohol and my condition, I just got so....Hyper-sexual."

By now Woosung furrows their eyebrows, scooting closer to him with this calm orbs, "So you.... Were going through an episode."

By now Jungkook feels like he can somewhat breathe properly, but it was still there.

It won't stop.

"That explains why sometimes when I drink alcohol, I get very..... Touchy," Jungkook breathes, sniffling quietly, "Its a trigger. I get more confident, happy, and it doesn't even have to be that I drink a lot to cause it."

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