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Moving On- Kodaline

When We Were Young- Adele

Someone Like You - Adele


Taehyung hands are freezing, even with the gloves snuggled onto his skin

That seemed to have done no justice either way, even with the warm hot chocolate in hand that's suppose to be somewhat comforting to ease some warmth. This place itself is suppose to feel comforting and warm; where Taehyung use to come every day after his classes to eat a tasty pastry as he gets started on his homework with these wide glasses he use to wear back then, coming here as a safe haven from life in general. As he began to grow older, this little café began to fade more in the past as Taehyung's attention began to focus more on his career.

Being here feels like opening fresh wounds, but the good kind of wounds.

Where there's nothing but good memories, and some in which Taehyung wanted to keep in the past.

Like Minho.

Taehyung raises his nervous gaze up right when the familiar male approaches their small wooden table, the same table they use to sit down when they were kids as they talked about their day. Nothing but video games and Pokémon cards use to be their main source of topic, until that slowly began to change.

However it was already too late, and Minho already left.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long, it took a while to remember what this drink is called," Minho sits on the chair across from him, his eyes filled with so much light as they stare into Taehyung's soul with a voice so soft and thick with an accent.

There's no words to describe how utterly beautiful Minho has grown to be. Sitting here in front of him, remembering his childlike features of gumdrop cheeks and innocent brown eyes almost felt nostalgic to think about because here he is now looking like an entire man. Gum drop cheeks turned sharp, jaw line defined with just this aura that he's not.... A kid anymore. He sits up straight with this oozing confidence but that drips with that familiar innocence from back then, still a little shy since he couldn't maintain Taehyung's eye contact for long and looks at his coffee instead.

There's a clear awkward tension in the air, but it's not as unbearable to stay in as Taehyung expected. He really thought he would spit out stupid words like how Jungkook would do when he's nervous, but after being famous for a while you just learn how to keep your composure somehow.

It was like an automatic button for Taehyung to brush his emotions aside, keeping this professional aura even if he didn't want to make it appear that way.

That's the best way to not let this awkward environment get to him.

"No it's okay," Taehyung says quietly, his voice as smooth as honey to maintain the environment calm, "How was it like living in Spain?"

And that seemed to be the knife that slowly sliced down whatever this distant aura between them was. Minho's eyes practically glowed as the sun and he began to go off on how his new life has been like.

Taehyung listens of course, but he's partially listening because he's so engrossed on staring at him. There's these little things he's doing that Taehyung has noticed; rubbings his hands over each other, picking the cup up and then puts it down before picking it up again, looking anywhere on Taehyung's face besides his eyes because whenever he would his cheeks would just blush bright pink.

Habits the old Minho would have, and that gave Taehyung that small hope that time perhaps time didn't change him completely as his appearance.

So he relaxed, letting his guard slowly drop and began to smile a little more wider as he listens. Minho has been quite the athlete back in Spain since he was the captain of the soccer team for his school and for a club, getting his bachelors degree in business and is planning on making his own athletic center where the fund would go directly to charity, aiding children to be able to achieve their education in poor countries.

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