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Nothing- Bruno Major


It's warm.

Well there's no choice but to feel warm in this case. Despite the snow pouring out of the eyelids of the sky, the apartment feels warm.

The three bodies laying on the rug feel warm.

Of course that's the case since they're practically pressed side by side against each other with a blanket over their bodies, staring at the blank ceiling with soft music playing in the background.

There's an empty wine bottle sitting on the coffee table with three glasses, the alcohol already drowned into their bodies that made them feel relaxed together.

Just doing nothing but breathing in this calm aura, yet that still feels peaceful.

Mostly likely because they have each other for this moment.

The lights are off, letting the light of the window from outside glow inside the apartment. It's interesting really how the spotlight of the moonlight just captures the side of their face, showing the complete peace they feel at this very moment.

Just doing nothing.

Well not entirely nothing, more like silently bonding.

Taehyung suddenly turns to Jimin, who's in between the two bodies, and cuddles to his side with a face nuzzled to his neck with a small cute smile. Jimin evidently cringes and slaps his back.

"Get off cub. You know how I am with affection."

Jungkook smirks and turns to look at them, joining Taehyung and cuddles to the other side of Jimin'a body like a little koala.

Is this seriously happening right now?

"And precisely that's the reason we love to pour it out to you."

By now Jimin is glaring at the ceiling and was suddenly desperate to escape but with Jungkook and Taehyung's teamwork to keep him down that was absolutely impossible, so he huffs and flops back in defeat while his insides grow warm to the way the two boys hold onto him.

As though he's a small teddy bear to depend on.

It's still weird since he's only use to this from Taemin.

"Tiny," Taehyung murmurs quietly, raising his head to look at him, "Can I marry you?"

This made Jungkook snort a giggle and Jimin's face twists up in dread, slapping the back of Taehyung's head now when the other began to giggle.

"I'm happily married thank you very much."

"Well last time I checked-"

"Twinkle Toes don't help him," Jimin groans to the two, covering his face with his hands that made both boys laugh adoringly at him.

Gently Jungkook takes his wrists and pulls his hands away from his face, smiling when he meets his eyes, "Would it be too late to ask you to snap my neck?"

Okay that's enough.

Jimin whines annoyedly and rolls to his stomach, pressing his face against his forearms to not even look at them anymore. Meanwhile the Taekook friends were having the time of their life laughing, coeing baby words at the other to absolutely humiliate him.

Don't get him wrong, maybe he does like being babied but by Taemin, not by these idiots.

It's just he's not use to it and it's weird, maybe one day he will but not now.

Suddenly a body piles on top of him, making him evidently tense up to the extra weight and grunts since he's practically being pressed against the damn rug!

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