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I would recommend watching the video first to get an idea what is going on in this chapter haha

ILYSB - Kim Woosung


"Okay I'm scared now."

"What do you honestly think I'm going to do to you Jungkook?"

"Tie me up to the ceiling and force me to watch heterosexual porn live?"

Woosung snorts out loud chuckle, placing their forehead against Jungkook's shoulder blade from behind as their body rocks with giggles as they guide the blindfolded man to their destination.

"Your imagination will never fail to surprise me Bambi."

Jungkook snickers to this as he nearly trips over his feet, now grunting under his breath annoyedly, "WooWoo are we there yet!"

"Just a few more steps! Stop whining!"

"Oh but you sure like that when you have your dick-"

"Oh look at that we're here!"

And the blind fold is suddenly untied from Jungkook's face, letting him adjust his blurred vision to his surroundings and was relieved to see it was not a porn sight.

However the place isn't exactly so..... What Jungkook expected either.

They're at an empty karaoke bar. A spot light is focused on the stage with a guitar beside it, meanwhile there's a small round table with a chair in front of it. A candle is placed on it with a wine bottle and glass just waiting for Jungkook to engulf it.

As everything slowly began to fall into place in Jungkook's mind, he let himself practically melt like chocolate underneath the sun before suddenly squealing.

"Oh yes! Sex at a karaoke bar! We haven't tried that before actually."

Woosung bursts into loud laughter now, all the while Jungkook teasingly grins at them and wraps his arms around their waist, feeling very grateful that Woosung took the effort to make this all happen for them to have privacy to celebrate their New Year's Eve together.

Leave it to Woosung to be a romantic partner.

Even though Jungkook can be an actual clown most of the time, he really appreciate whenever Woosung does cute gestures like this.

"No sex you dirty boy," Woosung snickers and pecks his cheek before taking Jungkook's hand and guides him to the table, "I'm sing a song I made for you."

And they made him a song!

Fuck Jungkook isn't even existing anymore.

He's a giddily mess for his partner, not wanting to mess this up for them so he keeps his composure together and sits on the chair besides the candle lit table.

Woosung worked hard for this moment, so Jungkook is not about to ruin it because of his vocabulary.

While Woosung gets their life together, Jungkook didn't even spare a moment to plop the wine bottle open and pours it on his glass, nearly dropping it when he looks up to see Woosung smiling at him with those adoring sparkling eyes.

Jungkook breathes and Woosung just stares at him as though he carved out his heart just for them.

Anything Jungkook does Woosung finds adorable, and that hasn't changed no matter how much time passes by between them.

So Woosung gently taps the mic, checking to see if its loud and works well enough before letting their sparkling eyes gaze over at Jungkook from the small stage.

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