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Jungkook is shaking so anxiously while the screaming and crying continues, feeling his own tears beaming his eyes with his head ready to fucking explode!

He's practically trembling worse than he's ever trembled before.

Where the fuck is Woosung!

"WOOSUNG!" Jungkook is screaming now with his voice growing a new higher pitch, raking a hand through his raven hair in anxiety as he tries to calm down his breathing.

Thankfully Woosung heard this call because their footsteps practically slams against the wooden floor and barges into the room Jungkook was in, looking around with worried eyes before they find Jungkook.

And they smile.

Then giggles.

Now full on laughing.

Jungkook murderously glares back at them, trying to block out the screaming baby against his ear, who he's carrying in his arms -not by choice- and he whines pathetically. Mrs. Kim was sneaky, very sneaky. She knows how Jungkook is with kids, so she invited him to join her in Chungha's room just as she changed her diaper, but then she made Jungkook carry her baby while she left to supposedly get a call.

And never came back

Chungha wouldn't stop crying!

Fuck Jungkook is crying too by how distressed he is right now.

Is he event holding her properly!?!

Woosung only continues to giggle as they go to their partner and their sister, gently taking her in their arms instead while sprouting so many cute baby voices at her to get her to stop crying.

She went from crying to giggling almost instantly.

Is she serious right now?!

Jungkook gawks at her, seeing how fondly she's staring at her sibling with tiny hands outstretched to them. Woosung let's her small fist curl to their pinky finger, the love and adoration clear exchanged between the two souls that was like pure light.

And Jungkook's anxiety slowly drowns down, just by this sight alone.

For some reason....... Seeing this.... Felt peaceful.

There's just this energy that Woosung and the baby are synchronizing, filled with this sense of pure love that just felt contagious to anyone who would set their eyes on them. Jungkook felt it and his phobia for the little baby smiling just didn't feel so..... Scary.

Unable to help the way his heart melted in his chest when Woosung pecks Chungha's forehead, making the baby sprout another giggle to them, Jungkook slowly moved behind Woosung and wraps his arms around their waist; pecking a kiss against their temple with a chin on their shoulder.

The baby's smile slowly twitches down as she stares between Jungkook and Woosung, lips parted in a way as though she's observing the two.

She doesn't do anything for a moment, but then the magic happened.

She smiles, much more brightly than before.

She's smiling at them.

"She likes you," Woosung cooes, caressing their thumb against her cheek as she hums and squeals happily, "My happy baby."

Jungkook smiles back, squeezing Woosung in his embraces and nuzzles his head against theirs, "You're going to be a good parent someday."

Woosung twitches a smile to this and was careful in holding Chungha with one arm, using their other hand to take one of Jungkook's hands from around their waist and guide it to the baby.

Lust Wears Red [Vminkook Friendship]Where stories live. Discover now