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The bar is quiet. There's not many people here besides a few drunken lonely alcoholics in desperate need to forget a memory another day more, but other than that the ambient is very calm.

The music is soft, yet meant for this type of occasion; Be lonely, get drunk at a bar with a stranger and hopefully pass out if they're lucky.

In this case, Wonho isn't a stranger.

Two shots has passed by between Jimin and Wonho, sharing a few words and stories on how their life has been like lately. Even though Jimin isn't much of a social person, he can maintain a conversation and know how to be friendly when it serves him right.

Almost like a nice duality.

A perk Jimin developed; Thanks to Taemin since he had to be nice to their new friends of course.

He does find it weird though that Wonho wanted to talk to him specifically. Before they didn't really talk unless it was during parties at the dorm because they would get along well since they would just be on their own side, but not on a deeper level.

Jimin knows Wonho has a purpose for this meeting for a reason, and he's ready to take it when it comes.

A shot glass is emptied out by Jimin, looking at the other as he puts his shot glass down and sighs while Jimin follows suit. For a moment Wonho didn't say anything, only stares at the glass cup with a heavy frown.

"How's things between you and Yoongi?"

Here it comes.

The moment Jimin has been waiting for.

He tries not to let out an expectant smirk to this, but only gulps down another cup of his shot instead and turns himself Wonho.

"Good," He says chirped, fingers crossed, "We aren't anything official yet but I am planning on making that happen soon."

Wonho's eyes grew more and more fogged, twirling with the bourbon on the glass cup with a finger tapping the rim gently.

He looks almost conflicted, and Jimin is starting to grow more hesitant as to why.

"Hm," And he drinks the bourbon, turning to Jimin with a more settled stare, "I wouldn't recommend you doing that."


Jimin's whole face twisted in confusion, slightly in offense or annoyance, but he was definitely not okay with this sudden statement.

"Really now?" Jimin couldn't help but remark sarcastically, maybe even a bit sourly, "And you are valid to this decision because?"

Wonho could sense Jimin's rise of defense and instantly was the water to extinguish the flames.

And that was something Jimin was not mentally prepared for.

"He's been fucking with me for the past two months, and I just found out yesterday that you were in the picture seeing him as well."


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Can't waittttt


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