134 [final]

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Your eyes tell - BTS


Something about the woods never settled well for Jimin, he always feared it.

A year ago he would say he fears the woods, just for the endless vast of unknown on where it could lead to; with what you may find on the way there.

Truth is, that's almost similar to life; Unexpected, but if one only focuses on how unknown and vast it is, how would you see the beauty along the way there?

Jimin learned that.

Jungkook learned that.

Taehyung learned that.

All while being together with the people who matter the most to them.

Sitting here in this familiar camp fire, surrounded by a group of individuals who dragged each other to where they are now. Through so many fucked up mistakes, betrayals and a whole lot of love, they still remain like glue tight together.

And impossible to break as of now.

It's almost like seeing a movie in slow motion, capturing everyone's expression through the lenses of a camera. Yuta and Taehyung are sitting in a log, shyly holding hands but laughing to a story Ten is exaggerating out about his trip with Hoseok during Winter break.

Yeosang, Felix and their baby boy Hwanwoong are finally reunited and they all have different reactions to the story being told.

Yeosang is scowling. Hwanwoong is giggling while clapping his hands, while Felix just smiles lazily while laying on both of their laps.

And they fit together perfectly well.

Taemin and Jimin are cuddled on a blanket to the ground, facing campfire. The engaged couple are smiling but Jimin more lazily as he finds comfort being the small spoon in Taemin's arms, feeling sleepy but not wanting to sleep yet to feel this nice moment.

With MinMin in his arms.

Then there's Woosung and Jungkook, who are in their own little world of pointing out at stars and complimenting it to their dazzling orbs as they find moments where they stare at each other shyly. It's cute how when they're together it's like the world fades away, and they feel closer together on a very intimate and emotional level.

This moment, right here, right now, feels like everyone finally found their own paradise.

After so much time struggling to find peace, it seems as though it finally has been found.

What a relief it is truly.

To feel young with the people who make life feel infinite.

"Alright guys, listen up!" Hoseok suddenly announces as he gets to his feet, catching everyone's attention instantly, "Seems like everyone is having a great time tonight, and it does feel nice to be away from the world for a while and to try to reconnect with yourself along the people you care about. So I want to take this time for everyone to remember the very first time we all met, just anyone."

No one said a word, only stared at the flames of the campfire with a daze look in their eyes, reminiscing those memories to when they met each other specifically.

And it felt like they were exhaling fresh air to the beautiful moments.

"If you all have noticed already, we've been through a shit ton of things, and we will continue to do so a lot. Whether the odds may be blossoming our relationships," At that moment Taemin and Jimin interlaces their ringed fingers together with small smiles, "Breaking apart, or discovering new things about each other, let's vow to this day to be able to count on one another to get through this together. Not leaving anyone behind."

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