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Okay - Chase Atlantic

Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood

The club is more upbeat than the last one they went to, and it's insanely packed with people.


With Taehyung, Woosung and Felix's presence it was just too easy to go through the doors and have access inside without waiting so long in line. Blue seems to be the main theme color here, giving an odd aquatic vibe to the area that was still like a toxic ocean to be in.

It's like that feeling of being underwater, moving like the waves where nothing else matters, just this moment alone as you let the flow of the ocean guide you.

Just what they all needed actually.

The three musketeers didn't even hesitate to go to the bar instantly, ordering their shot glasses before clicking it together and drowning it down in one gulp.

If they're going to get fucked, they're going to need drinks for that.

Well this is the first and only drink Jungkook is going to take because of his flight in a few hours, so he can't completely lose himself unfortunately.

Jimin takes out his pen form his pocket as he turns on the bar stool to look at the club from his angle, taking a deep intake before exhaling the smoke out his pink plump lips.

Ten and Hoseok didn't even waste time in dancing on the floor, getting hyped up to the music. Woosung, Taemin, Felix and Yeosang were at the table, socializing about what the fuck they're going to do first.


The three friends stared intensely at the table precisely, their own eyes dozing off to their own targets and it was growing evidently hard to actually concentrate on them with this blaring music in the background.

It's not letting them feel that need right now, and that's annoying as it is.

"Do you think Woosung would let me fuck them in the plane?"

Jimin and Taehyung snaps their heads towards Jungkook, who's staring intently at his lover while holding the empty shot glass in hand with a small smirk in her perky lips.

"I mean..... It's a private jet so-"

"Then sex on the plane it is," Jungkook beams and stands up, taking both of Jimin and Taehyung's hands, "Alright, time to teach you guys how to be a hoe."

And he suddenly drags them to the table where the rest are, accelerating both of Taehyung's and Jimin's heart by a milestone to what the fuck Jungkook is planning before they abruptly stop.

It didn't take long before Jungkook finds himself on Woosung's lap, instantly clasping their lips together. No one really reacted to this since they're use to this type of behavior, and Jimin tried very hard not to look at Taemin as this intimate gesture is displayed before his eyes.

Yet he can feel him staring at him.

Jimin is about to fucking combust.

Jungkook pulls away from Woosung, leaning to their ear to whisper something with a smirk that instantly made Woosung's whole face fall with eyes widen incredibly large now. Jungkook then gently bit their ear lobe and gets off with a seductive smile, trailing a finger to their jaw to move their focus to him.

Jimin watches intently, almost like the nerdy kid in class as he writes down mental notes in his head, yet that was disturbed when a random guy approached the table.

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