Lullaby's downfall

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Natsu & Y/n: Mine mine mine mine mine mine.

Erigor: What the hell? (Turns around and gets punched in the face by Natsu & Y/n).
Natsu & Y/n: Mine!

Y/n: We got him at the same time. Plan B, rock paper scissors.

Natsu: Fine.

Natsu & Y/n: Rock paper scissors.

Natsu: Paper, yes i won.

Y/n: I let you win, he's yours. (Sits down) 

Natsu: I'm all fired up.

Erigor: (Dumbfounded) Are you taking this even serious?

Y/n: Clearly not.

Natsu: Fire Dragon Iron Fist (Punches Erigor)

Two Minutes later

Y/n: You are never going to beat him with that power Natsu. You have to take it serious.

Natsu: You are the one to talk, you never fight at full power.

Y/n: (Irritated) That's because my 1% is your 100% got it.

Happy: Ouch that's one way to tell someone that he's weak.

Frost: I'm not sure if that helps.

Happy: (Smiles evil) You stink Natsu, just give up and let Gray handle this cause you're never gonna win.

Natsu: (Angry) WHAT DID YOU SAY?! Fire Dragon's Soul Edge. (Defeats erigor)

Y/n: That's what I wanted to see, high five happy.

Happy: Aye sir.

Erza arrives in the magic mobile

Gray: You look pretty stupid wearing a scarf half naked Natsu.

Natsu: Lucy give me your clothes.

Lucy: In your dreams.

Erza & Y/n: (Laughing)

Erza: Well done Natsu. The guild masters will be save now.

Kageyama steals the car and flute and drives to Clover Town

Y/n: Walking it is then, after you Erza.

Evening at Clover Town.

Erza: There he is.

Natsu: I'm so hungry.

Y/n: We should hide and see what happens.

A fancy looking man appears behind the group

Bob: We are just about to get to the good part. Well are you boys yummy. 

Y/n: (Appears behind Lucy) (scared) Protect me from him.

Lucy: (Stunned at Y/n's behavior) What's his problem?

Frost: He had a traumatizing experience with master Bob once. I don't know what it was, he never told it to anyone. Only Erza knows it, because she was there when that happened.

Erza: (Thinking and giggling) Poor Y/n he's scared of the only person who would never do anything harmful, but hes so cute when this happens. It shows even the bravest warriors have a weakness, but he has two.

Flute: (Demonic screeching) I've grown tired of you cowardly wizards and your antics.(Transforms into the Lullaby demon)

Goldmine: It's living death magic.

Y/n: Is this what happens when you misspell a word when trying to summon a demon? Well what are we waiting for lets make it into firewood.

Everyone: Starts laughing.

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