Vacation in the Mountains

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Erza Pov

I was sitting in the guild hall with my mother next to me, I was attending my daughters needs as usual when I heard Y/n behind me say "Erza, close your eyes and open a hand". I did what he asked for.

Erza: Come on Y/n, why do you make me do that? You know I'm not a person who likes to wait.

Y/n: It's a surprise. (Places something on Erza's hand) You can open them now.

Erza: (Gasps in surprise) These are reservations for a mountain log house, it's the most romantic place for couples and a good place for families too. Are you thinking on...

Y/n: Yes Erza. You, me and Elery will go. I had to ask my dad and your mother to come along too, they will look after our baby.

Erza: (Eyes sparkle) So you are planing a romantic vacation for me and you then?

Y/n: Planned already and got everything set, so let's go! (Takes Erza's hand and walks)

Erza: Wait Y/n, we need to change before we go or I at least. I don't have clothes for winter weather right now in my Re-quip space!

Y/n: Then let's go home and get your clothes together.

Later Erza is wearing a thick coat and long fitted over knee boots with fitted leather gloves while walking on a snow covered path

Y/n: Did you really have to take your entire wardrobe with you? (Pulls a rather big sled with lots of luggage on it)

Erza: I'm a girl and girls use a lot of clothes. Besides, I have a lot of cooking ingredients in there.

Irene: So how long will we take to reach it? And Erza really did buy more girly stuff since I made her learn on how to behave like a woman.

Bahmut: I'm not sure if you made it worse doing that Irene. 

Irene: She only wears them outside of jobs or when she's out with her fiance.

The group is walking on the snow covered path between trees. A cold wind blows around the group and snow starts to fall

Erza: I think I can see the two log houses. Damn it's cold here, it's in the middle of summer actually.

Frost: I'm so cold Erza, let me get into your coat. (Jumps into Erza's coat between her boobs)

Erza: If you think of doing any funny things in there I'm gonna roll you into a snowball and use you as the head for a snowman!

Frost: (Scared) No ma'am!

Y/n: This is a rather high place. I'm glad that we could get here so fast, on a carriage it would have taken days, but flying got us here faster.

Irene: We will take Silvia and Frost  into our log cabin. Erza you have that small lacrima that beeps when Silvia needs something. Right?

Erza: Yes Mom, I got it in my pocket.

Y/n opens the door to the log cabin and sees a very pretty decorated  bedroom, a living room with a fireplace and a kitchen

Erza: It looks really cozy in here. Let's get wood into the fireplace.

Y/n: On it. (Places a stack of wood in it and light's it up)

Erza: Sit next to me please. (Y/n sits down on the couch) This really is romantic, looking at the fire, watching the blazing flames...

Erza starts to snuggle up to Y/n, having her hand on his lap looking out of the window as snow falls down. Y/n hears the wood crack from the fire, he kisses Erza's lips and she looks up into his eyes

Fairy Tail Erza x male saiyan reader (The God of Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now