Special: The Exciting Ryuzetsu Land

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Erza: A pool?

Lucy: Is there one nearby?

Levy: It's a summer resort, known throughout all of Fiore. Ryuzetsu Land!

Y/n: That sounds like fun, lets go.

Natsu: We gotta go for sure.

Gray: Since it's so damn hot.

Ryuuetsu Land

Lucy: We are here!

Wendy: It's so big.

Erza: This feels great.

Y/n: It's nighttime and so bright in here.

Y/n: I see something interesting.

Erza: Let us swim for a bit Y/n.

Juvia: My darling Gray look at me please.

Y/n: Juvia you have the prize tag still on your swimsuit. (Takes it away)

Gray: Juvia, about the swimsuit. It looks good on you.

Juvia: My darling Gray complimented me.

Erza: Y/n I know where I want to go now. (Points to the Love Love slide) Let's ride the Love Love slide together.

Y/n: Fine with me but wait.

Love slide

Y/n: Gray and Juvia you go first. (Pushes them down the slide as Juiva is holding on Gray)

Juvia: Thank you Y/n-san.

Gray: I will get my revenge.

Y/n: Lucy and Natsu. (Pushes them down)

Lucy: Whaa! (Holding on Natsu)

Y/n: And now us. (Grabs Erza and slides down.

Erza: This is so exciting.

Y/n: Erza your swimsuit is going to snap soon.

Erza: What? But we are in the middle of...

Y/n: The ride is over.

Erza: (Blushing) Kyaaa!

Y/n: (Blushing) Erza your bra is... (Covers them with is hand)

Erza: (Blushing) take your hands off me please!

Y/n: Sorry, it was out of reflex. (Snips his fingers as the bra is back to normal) There, now it's good as new.

Erza: Let's lie down a bit and rest.

Y/n: Lucy's is free, go to her and lie down I will join soon.

5 minutes later

Y/n: Erza I bought some fruits for us... (Angry) these guys again!

Erza: Oh no, you four will be sorry now for coming near me.

Trimens: What?!

Y/n: (Angry) You will feel the rage of the Fairy God now! (Electrocutes all four of them)

Erza: Finally, Y/n I was getting impatient here.

Erza scolds the Trimens

Erza: What was that with the Magic Power Finder Hibiki? Try harder! And Ren, you have Sherry! Don't play around when you are so seriously wounded Eve!

Erza: Lets go Lucy, Y/n.

Ichyia: Please tell me of too...

Y/n: Hands off Ichyia. (Kicks him)

Lucy: Let's go swimming.

Y/n: Right but first let warm up before we go.

Mavis: Then let's warm up together. (Stretching) One, two, three, four.

Everyone: (Stretching)  Five, six, seven, eight.

Natsu: Let's swim guys.

Erza: Let's have a water fight! I go on top of Y/n and Lucy goes on top of Natsu and the same with Juvia and Gray.

Juvia: That sounds amazing.

Gray: ... fine.

Erza and Lucy start a water fight

Natsu: Come on Lucy we can beat them!

Erza: You will never beat us! (Throws Lucy in the water)

Lucy: (Pouts) I lost.

Gray: It's our turn now. (Juvia is on Gray's shoulder)

Juvia: Water Nebula! (hits Erza and Y/n)

Y/n: Not fair! Water Dragon's Roar. (Washes away Juvia and Gray)

Erza: Yes we won Y/n!

Y/n: This was fun.

Gray: Get off me tabasco idiot.

Natsu: What do you want popsicle breath.

Gray: Ice Make Floor!

Natsu: Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!

The Area around Natsu and Gray is destroyed

Natsu: See that, I won!

Life guard: I guess you will be paying the damage.

Makarov and Mavis: (Crying) We will, we are very sorry.


Erza: (Blushing) Y/n your trunks are gone.

Y/n: Not again! I don't want to be like Gray.

Fairy Tail Erza x male saiyan reader (The God of Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now