A hunt begins

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Three days later

Erza's Pov

Lucy, Juvia and I have been staying at each others places, sometimes at my place or Lucy's, Juvia's room is pretty cute with all the Gray dolls in it. We are currently shopping in a store to get our nerves down from it. We have been observing the entrance to the store in turns, to see if we are being watched, but nothing of unusual behavior has caught my attention.

Lucy: Erza we got what we wanted, now let's get outside.

"Yes Lucy" I replied to her, "Juvia are you ready too?" I asked, to which she nod in agreement. We left the store, as we bumped into a person. Suddenly we all felt sleepy and someone dragged me, Lucy and Juvia into a magic mobile, driving off.

Y/n's Pov

Erza, Lucy and Juvia should be here already, what takes them so long? Erza knows that we are in danger. I heard the guild doors flung open, as a person yelled that three women were kidnapped by someone. Irene shot up from her seat and asked in a very demanding tone how the kidnapped girls looked like. The woman's description made my throat feel like I got strangled and my heart being ripped out of my chest. Natsu, Gray and me all had the same expression of anger and pure rage on our face now. Ready to risk our life to save the ones we love, we shot up from where we sat, ready to destroy the entire land of Fiore only to find them, if needed. Natsu was the first one of us to snap fire shooting out of his body, followed by Gray freezing all that was near him with his Devil Slayer magic. Than I snapped and my body was enveloped in golden flames with my eyes turning red. Irene tried to calm us down, but nothing helped. The only thing that could help was seeing our loved ones in our arms safe. I heard Makarov yell the only thing that could ease our anger a bit "We will find them and if they want a war, THEY'LL GET A WAR!" We slowly got control over our anger, as the energy went back into our bodies. I heard Gray silently say Juvia's name under his breath. I knew he was pissed, if any of us would talk right now to each other, a fight would happen between us. Natsu asked Makarov how we will find them, to which Charlie replied that she can find where people are and told us that she learned Ice Magic to fight and save people in need. Gray immediately ran to Charlie, grabbing her by the shoulders and asking her to find them, to which she nod instantly. She prepared a spell were she fell down on the ground sleeping. Shortly after she woke up she told us that she saw Lucy, Juvia and Erza with injuries, chained to a wall and a it looked like that they have been tortured, but she heard Lucy say "We will be saved by our friends, I'm sure of it. We need to stay strong and can't allow them to win. I know that right now they are already planing on how to find us and we will soon see them again". Juvia was in tears, as she said that she can feel her Gray-sama is in pain from his feelings. Erza had a smile and said "Whoever dared to touch us, will be tortured by our loved ones".

Natsu Pov

"Is that the past, the present or the future you talk about Charlie?" I asked, she then replied "It's the present or future, I can only see that". "How far in the future can you see?" I asked in a hopeful tone, that this was further in than just a few hours. She replied "A day, at maximum". Y/n immediately asked if she was able to notice where they are, if she saw something that could give them a lead on their location. She said that she didn't see anything directly, but heard birds outside singing, a waterfall and guards speak a different language than ours. She said that they were talking about a snowstorm coming up soon and what their general has planed to do with the prisoners. I heard Y/n say "So we will be having a war with another kingdom I guess." To which Gray replied in a cold tone "We will be walking over corpses probably too, if they dare to cross our way and stop us". Gray asked which kingdom it was, as she said Iceberg. Makarov immediately tried to stop them from going there, saying we don't know where they are exactly, but we will be going now to prepare for the mission that is ahead of us. All the of the guild members will be going to save them, as all members in Fairy Tail are like family.

Kingdom of Iceberg. A few days later the group is walking in the deep snow, Makarov sitting on Y/n's backpack

Gray: How long will it take us to find them Y/n?

Y/n: I don't know, but at least Charlie gave us a hit to where they could be.

Natsu: (Angry) Whoever laid hands on Lucy, will die by my hands!

Charlie: Don't worry, my dreams still show's that they aren't in imminent danger of losing their life, so we still have hope.

Y/n: You do realize that once we see them in front of us, we will completely snap and probably go on a rampage there. (Y/n's body is pulsing from anger and his heart is crying in pain and rage)

Irene: That is why we took your dragon fathers with us, in case you lose your mind and need a beating.

Bahamut: Elery has noticed that her mother isn't here, but at least Irene can comfort her a bit, as she looks quite the same as her. (Irene holds Elery) 

Makarov: We will be at the location soon, of where we believe them to be. So get ready for a battle.

Y/n: Hey Natsu, Gray... Did you had nightmares too?

Gray: Don't ask, I'd rather not even sleep at all, than to dream again.

Natsu: I can understand that Gray.

Y/n: That's the fort, there's a waterfall and birds. Let's raid it guys!

Gray: Juvia, don't worry, I'm coming for you! Stay strong!

Natsu: Lucy I will be there soon for you!

Y/n: Erza, I'm coming to save you my princess! Natsu, Gray let's bring hell upon them!

In front of the fort

Guard: (Speaks in another language)

Gray: You know what they say?

Charlie: They say if we get closer they will shoot us.

Natsu: Then let's hug those bastards.

Gray: Yeah we can't beat the shit out of them without getting closer! (Transforms into Ice Devil Slayer and freezes the guards, leaving their head free)

Y/n Pov

Our attack has started, Gray froze the guards. Me and Natsu melted the gate with our Fire Dragon's Roar. We entered the fort and guards started to shoot us with magic spells. I drew my sword to deflect them and Natsu shot fire at them, making them run, but without success. I had appeared in front, cutting them down. My anger took over and golden fire came out of me. The same happened with Natsu and Gray , just with their elements. As they did the same as I, killing the guards because our rage took over, I saw Makarov's face having an expression of disbelieve at what happens here. I heard the screams of the guards that are burning in Natsu's flames and the completely frozen guards getting smashed into pieces by Gray. We have become real demons, unable to be stopped by our friends now.

Natsu: Let's get inside now! (Brakes the door of the fort, leading to the cells)

Nats Pov

"We have killed the guards, because they took something from us and now they will pay for it!" The screams from the guards burning from my flames leave me cold, but knowing Lucy is hurt makes me go into rage. I want to see her smile, only then I can stop what I'm doing. My flames remind me of looking like a demon. I saw Gray with an emotionless face freezing the guards and Y/n cutting them down like they are just some toys, with an expression like mine. I know we three feel the same rage, anger, sadness in us and want to hold them in our arms soon, to make them feel our warmth and safety. I broke down the door leading into the fort, Y/n and Gray following close behind.

Gray Pov 

I froze the guards, as Natsu broke down the door, leading to the cells. Inside it we faced some guards, I froze them, Y/n cut them in half. We three didn't stop at all, looking into each cell for a sign of our loved ones. I'm a coward for not being by her side, I should have said to Irene that we all need to stay together or something like this could happen. And then we saw it, the cell where Juvia, Erza and Lucy were in.

A/n: I'm thinking to redo the Edolas Arc and Oracion Seis Arc, as I was lazy in making them. I will slowly remake the two and publish them along the normal story. I will delete this message after two weeks that I finished to rewrite both arcs. I'm sorry that I'm not good at writing stories, I'm open to suggestions on how to describe stuff like fights in a better way.

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