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Next morning, while flying to the harbor of Hargeon

Erza: (Holding the Baby) Flying really is a comfortable way to travel.

Y/n: That's why I learned it to all of you, sadly we need to use the ship, because non of you can reach Alvarez in time, before your energy runs out.

Natsu: And what if we fly faster?

Gray: That would drain the energy even more, flame brain.

Natsu Wanna fight, popsicle?!

Y/n: I will smack you both on the ground if you start to fight, so behave!

Natsu: & Gray: Aye sir!

Bahamut: Why didn't Igneel come along?

Natsu: He said that one dragon is enough.

Lucy: I really feel uncomfortable flying with a skirt on.

Y/n: Your fault Lucy.

Lucy: Erza is wearing one too!

Y/n: And so what? Erza doesn't mind it.

Erza: It's only a problem when you let it be one, Lucy.

Natsu: We are here now.

Everyone lands

Mavis: Now get on board and set sail.

Y/n: Yes, Master Mavis.

Mavis: What a cute little baby you have Erza.

Erza: Thank you Master Mavis.

The ship sets sail to an Island between Ishgar and Alvarez

Wendy: (Sick) I started to get motion sickness recently. 

Erza: (Sick) Y/n, please let me lay my head on your shoulder. The motion sickness makes me unable to sit right up.

Y/n: Erza, you are really unlucky with it. (Lays Erza's head on his lap) Better?

Erza: (Uneasy) Better. What is the plan, after we get back with Makarov?

Y/n: I looked at some maps of older battles, that happened in Ishgar. All of the attacks followed the same pattern, the enemy attacked from four sides. North, west, south and east. I bet they have something like air ships, like the magic council does.

Erza: That means we need some kind of air defense unit.

Y/n: I was thinking our four dragons can do it.

Bahamut: I have a better idea, I will throw you at the ships and make them go down!

Y/n: You just gave me the best idea ever dad!

Bahamut: Glad to help. What's your Idea?

Y/n: I will use the speed of the exceeds and Wendy's speed enchantment, to make us dragon slayers fly faster and blow holes into the ships.

Erza: That sounds more like you just want to blow them up with more fun.

Y/n: Hey, if it works. What do you think of it Frost?

Frost: Sounds like a good idea to me, but you are far faster then me.

Erza: Just blow them up one way or another. (Baby cries) Looks like feeding time is on. (Un-equips her breast plate) Here my little baby. (Breastfeeds Elery)

Y/n: No matter how many times I see it, it will always make me smile, seeing my baby and Erza like this together.

Erza: It's called bonding. You will have the time to do it too, when she is older, my love.

Fairy Tail Erza x male saiyan reader (The God of Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now