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Everything seemed to drag on forever. Endless seconds transforming into minutes, and he realized about half way through his shift that he would rather be anywhere but at work. It was absolutely dead, and half of the staff had already been cut. He was simply waiting for his turn, trying to find anything he could to keep him busy. Taehyung wasn't even there to keep him company, having already been sent home an hour or so ago.

Well, back to Yoongi's, he assumed. Because as far as he knew there were plans to turn his old bedroom into yet another closet and Seokjin realized this was going to be a never ending cycle of his friend only ever coming back to retrieve and replace clothing while he continued to live there like nothing had changed.

Like it was progress.

Four hours and they finally cut him loose, his feet aching from standing in the same spot for so long. Hands feeling dry from scrubbing the same spot over and over again. But he had the next two days off, and he was actually looking forward to the span of time that would be filled with nothing. How his life had been flipped on it's head and turned so completely upside down was still beyond him. But somehow everything had changed in the span of a single instant and he was still trying to process it all.

Was there even any processing it? Should he even try and put himself through the trauma of trying to understand his own actions when in truth it was going to end eventually. Whatever this was had a finite amount of time, and there was no way to add anymore sand to the hour glass.

There was a certain routine that he always performed upon returning home. Stripping off his clothing and placing it into the small hamper. Taking a cool shower to strip away the scents of food and grease and sweat, because it seemed to cling to soak into the fabric and cling to his skin. Run through his skin care process, making sure his skin was soft and blemish free, until it seemed to shine from within. Then he would get dressed in whatever looked most comfortable. It wasn't like he ever had anyone to impress.

But there was no food in the kitchen. A thought that hit him as he was tugging on a pair of baby blue joggers. And he sighed softly as he let them fall to the floor, kicking them away and choosing a pair of dark jeans instead and a long sleeved white graphic tee. Running his hands though his hair, he decided that it actually looked nice a little messy. Windswept was a the word for it, despite the fact that all he had done was tease it a bit with his fingers.

Grabbing his phone, keys and wallet, he was halfway out the door when the sound of footsteps caught his attention, and he turned just in time to see Jungkook coming up the stairs, looking exceptionally sheepish. Like a child that had been caught trying to steal cookies out their mother's jar. His clothes had changed, from head to toe black to something simpler. Loose jeans and even looser white button up, paired with Timberlands. It was a classic sort of look that shouldn't have looked as devastating as it did.

"Forget something?" Because there was no other actual reason why Jungkook would be there. It certainly wasn't because of him.

"Damn, are you really going out into the world looking like that?" Glancing down at himself, he really didn't see whatever it was Jungkook may have been referring to. There was nothing all that special about what he had on. Sure, it fit him well. Showed off those wide shoulders, and made it appear like his waist was as tiny as it was. But that was really all the outfit had going for it.

"You went out into the world looking like that." Why was it so incredibly easy for him to flirt with Jungkook? When he knew that he shouldn't be encouraging this. That he should be trying to stop it.

"But it's all for you baby." Everything inside of him reacted so violently to the way that voice lowered, his entire body seeming far too ready to give in to the tug and pull of it.

"I'm flattered, daddy." And he was. He shouldn't be, but he was. "But I'm gonna have to take a rain check."

"Take me with you." How quickly that voice could change was almost enough to give him whip lash. One moment it was deep and full of sex and desire, and the next it was light and airy. Young and innocent. "Please."

"Yoongi and Taehyung driving you that crazy?" There was a line that he had told himself not to cross. That he and Jungkook could not, under any circumstances, be friends. It would just make all of this so much harder. Yet here he was, going against his own rule already. Waving a hand for the other to follow him as he started down the stairs.

"Something like that." He got the distinct feeling that wasn't it. Just like he got the distinct feeling that asking about it was veering out of his own lane. "Where are you going anyway?"

"Well, all thats left in the kitchen is instant ramen that I'm pretty sure was there when we moved in." They had probably been there when the previous people had moved in too. He had once picked one up and realized it had expired about ten years before. Yet for some ungodly reason he just put it right back. Like some little treasure for someone else to eventually find. "So I figure it's time to hit up the market."

"Oh, let's get seaweed chips." Jungkook spoke excitedly, and something deep within his heart clenched. It was far too close to something else, something that this wasn't, and it was getting more and more difficult to remember the differences.

"Planning on staying over again?" He attempted to keep it casual, like an offhanded comment. But secretly his heart was slowly gaining in speed.

"We can just cuddle." Reaching the lobby, he moved across the open expanse towards the door, and held it open so both of them could slip through. The air out on the street was lighter, fresher and cleaner, but winters chill was still hanging heavy, and he knew as night fell it would only get worse. "Maybe watch some movies? I just really, really need to not be home right now."

"Movies sound nice." His car was just around the corner, and he hit the unlock function on the key fob held within his hand as they walked. He had the distinct feeling that there was something that Jungkook wasn't telling him. Something that had absolutely nothing to do with how loved up Yoongi and Taehyung currently were. And part of him wanted to ask, despite knowing that it would be leaping over the invisible boundary. But he didn't think his heart would be able to take the answer.

"And cuddles." For some strange reason, Jungkook seemed very insistent on that one aspect. Normally Seokjin's mind would find a thousand different reasons as to why it was only being done out of pity, or because the other felt sorry for him. But it was difficult in the face of how Jungkook seemed just as desperate for his affection.

"And cuddles." He agreed softly, a little nod accompanying the words. It was one more thing that he shouldn't be giving in to. One more thing that would only make all of this harder later. But he had fallen asleep wrapped in another warmth, and he was just selfish enough to desire that feeling again. 

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