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"There you are." It was late. So late that he didn't feel like dealing with this right now. Felt like doing nothing more than collapsing into bed and letting the day fade away. But he was never allowed that sort of respite. Not when that voice rang out as he trudged up the final set of stairs and made his heart skip a beat inside of his chest.

"How long have you been here?" It had taken them literally forever to complete their closing task. There had been a late party and everything had been left a mess, keeping them all there for hours after they were meant to go home. His feet were nearly numb and his back ached and there was still a twinge in his ass whenever he twisted the wrong way from the last time Jungkook had showed up unannounced on his door step.

"I thought you got off at eleven?" Answering his question with another question was a means of deflection. He was at least smart enough to know that. Weather Jungkook had been waiting twenty minutes or two hours it probably didn't actually matter.

"So did I." That it was now half past one and he was just crawling home was a testament to how much he needed to find a new line of work. He wouldn't be this young forever, and if his bones hurt this much now, he could only imagine how terrible it would be as he aged.

"Hard day baby?" That those arms should wrap around him as he attempted to unlock the door was a shock that he didn't know he needed. His hand shook, nearly faltering and almost dropping the key as he let himself melt back into the embrace.

"Yes. Everything hurts so much, daddy." It was easy to slip into that perfect state of submissiveness when he was so far gone like this. When he was tired right down to the marrow, limbs heavy and awkward, brain covered by a thick fog. He barely managed to steady his hand and finally turn the lock, shoving the door open to let them inside.

"Let me take care of you, sweetheart." There were a very clear set of unspoken rules that Seokjin had quickly come to understand. But there were facets that to this so called relationship - no, it definitely wasn't that. It was a situation. A situationship. That was the perfect word for what this currently was - that he was constantly learning.

Baby meant one thing. And sweetheart meant another. Two different sides of the same coin that changed literally everything.

"Please." It came out like a desperate whimper, his entire being giving in to that one request. Everything in him longed for it. For gentle care and soft touches. Whispered words of praise and encouragement. Kisses dropped into his hair and pressed against his skin. Needed it like he needed air.

"Daddy's got you sweetheart." Suddenly the intense pressure weighing down his lower back was gone, the pins and needles sensation that had been so present in his lower limbs eased as they came back to life. A little sound escaped from his lips as he felt himself grow lighter, instinctively wrapping his arms around strong shoulders as he was lifted. As his legs were slung over an arm and the other went to support his back and he was carried like a bride on their wedding night through the apartment.

His mind went blank then. Simply allowed himself to handled, to be moved, listening carefully for instruction and doing as he was told. Perched on the edge of the sink when he was placed down, slowly stripping out of his clothes like the good boy that he was. Sighed as he heard the water being turned on, the knobs hissing as they were twisted. Watched as Jungkook moved around the room, finding his little stash of bath bombs and carefully picking one out.

Roses. It smelled like roses. The scent blooming in the heat of the water. perfectly paired with the bubble bath that had been poured in after. It almost seemed romantic. Like there should be candle light surrounding them instead of the harsh shine of the over head bulbs.

Muscles screamed in protest as he shifted, leaning down to pull his socks from his feet and let his pants slip down after, the clothing forming a little pile that he would have to pick up later. He made some movement to hop down, but then there were hands on his hips and a warning being growled into his ear and he quickly went limp, quickly gave in and waited. Until those arms were back, lifting and carrying and lowering him into the brightly colored swirls of heated water, and he felt himself sinking down into the depths, feeling his entire body relax.

"Stay there." It was a soft command that he had no problem following, resting against the side of the tub, head cradled by soft plushness - and he realized far after too much trouble that it was a towel that Jungkook had carefully folded and placed there for him. His cheek rubbed against it as he settled, letting his eyes fall closed as he struggled not to simply fall asleep.

Until he felt himself being shifted, gentle movements that he didn't understand until strong arms were wrapping around him, guiding him to sit up. Soft strokes of a cloth carressing over his skin, cleaning away the dirt and sweat, until he was fresh and clean and cooing softly at each and every movement. Sighed as he was lifted from the water, feet still sore and barely holding his weight, wrapped in the wide expanse of a towel. As his skin was dried and he barely able to keep his eyes open.

He didn't remember much after that. Not the way strong hands smoothed over his skin, massaging sore muscles, rubbing in a sweet scented lotion that he rarely used. As he was dressed in a pair of those tiny little panties and an over sized tee shirt and tucked between the soft cotton sheets of his bed, because he was already asleep far before his head even managed to hit the pillow.

Maybe it was for the best that when he woke the next morning he couldn't recall how he had actually gotten there. Couldn't remember most of the night before. The last thing that was even partially clear was arriving home and seeing Jungkook.

Jungkook. His heart practically leapt out of his chest as he glanced down at himself, taking in the current state of his clothing. It should have been embarrassing, waking up barely dressed and knowing that someone else had taken care of you to that extent. But all it did was make him feel warm. Warm and some other word he didn't want to think about, didn't want to place on this situation. 

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