Epilogue: Answer

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Where does love go when it's not returned?

There were somethings in this world that you weren't meant to know.

Some questions that simply didn't have answers.

And maybe that was one of them.

Maybe it didn't go anywhere. Maybe it just stayed where it was, locked way within your own chest until it either faded away or festered. Until you either found the cure or allowed it to bring you to ruin.

Jimin had allowed it to be the cause of his own ruin, and now he lay in tatters on a pile of bones formed by all those who had come before him. A total loss, a destruction so complete that there was nothing left.

Seokjin had always thought that would be his fate. That he would suffer the same end.

Yet that remained the one question that constantly plagued him. Because it still had no answer.

Where does love go when it's not returned?

He would never know.

Because his was. 


Author's Note: So this was meant to end here. I had every single intention of having it end with this arc. 


You guys have stuck with me on this journey, despite how many twist and turns and how much heart ache and suffering I've put you through. 


The next arc will be the happy ending you deserve. 

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