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After lunch I head down to the ER whilst Jackson stays on the plastics floor to do post op and pre op before his surgery later on.

As I walk down to the ER i tie my jet black curls into a low, messy bun to keep it out of my face but i stop dead in my tracks when i hear some sort of what i think is an argument

"Why can't you just let it go? You married Tom, I married Holland" i hear a voice say "I wanted to marry you" replies another voice "Teddy, drop it ok? I have kids with Holland and" says the man but he seems to be cut off "You have a kid with me as well, Owen" says who i presume is Teddy "look, Teddy, I love Allison and one time I loved you as well but I love Holland and she loves me, if you really wanted to marry me so badly maybe you shouldn't have slept with Tom on the day of our wedding. Besides, that was what? 15 years ago? for fucks sake Teddy let it go" says Owen

that's deep shit man. I decide to just walk on to the ER which seems oddly quiet today "got anything for me?" I ask some random Attending, he frowns at me "sorry, not to be rude but who are you?" asks the man "Dr Ivy Fletcher, plastics, I started today, you are?" i reply, introducing myself "Dr Levi Schmitt, Orthopedics, nice to meet you" says Levi, i smile and nod "and to answer your question, no unfortunately not much" says Levi.

A few moments later a girl walks in carrying a boy in her arms, blood over both of them "CAN WE GET TWO GURNEYS IN HERE!" I exclaim, moving to grab the kids and hold them steady as two gurneys are rushed towards me, i place the girl on one and the boy on the other, the girl is the only conscious one "Hey there, sweetheart, my name is Ivy, can you tell me your name?" I ask, the girl is probably about 15 but she's hurt so I'll treat her like a 5 year old if it'll calm her down "F-Faith, my name is Faith" stutters the girl "and who's the little boy?" I ask her tentatively "h-he's m-my little brother C-Cruz" she stutters in response, i nod

"can you tell me what happened?" I ask "I-I don't really know, we were coming out of school a-and these boys th-they ganged up on Cruz, he get's bullied because he's dyslexic and mildly autistic but these boys hurt him real bad, they beat him up and I tried to help but it ended up with me having a bust lip and them running away because they thought a teacher was coming" replies Faith

"alright. Where are your parents? I need to give them a call" i say softly, she inhales sharply "my mom and dad work here, my mom, Holland is a Pediatric surgeon and my dad Owen is a trauma surgeon" replies Faith "Faith?! Faith what are you doing here?!" i hear who i presume is Owen shout

"are you ok?" asks Owen, checking over his daughter who breaks down into tears "I-its Cruz!" she exclaims and Owen turns to see Cruz in one of the trauma rooms, he must've broken something "is my brother going to be ok? He's only 11" Asks Faith "we have some of the best doctors here, I'm sure you know a few. They're going to make sure they do the best they can to help Cruz" I reply, i can never promise a patient anything. Faith just nods.

"Oh, Faith, baby!" Exclaims Holland, hugging her daughter who is too big to cradle in her arms, Faith hugs her mother tightly "thank you for looking after her" says Holland, i smile and nod.

Thinking that my work is done here i head off to find something else to do, all seems well here.

At the end of the day I go to the daycare to pick up my little boy Finlay. I find him beaming at me, he gets up and runs as fast as his little legs can carry him over to me and I scoop him up.

"Hey there bud!" i exclaim happily, kissing his cheek "Hey, momma" replies Finlay happily, his soft caramel skin is so beautiful and goes so well with his chocolatey brown curls and deep green eyes. I envy him sometimes.

I also have caramel skin like his but my hair is jet black and uncontrollably curly and my eyes are a dark brown.

As I walk out of the hospital I catch sight of Owen and Holland "how's Cruz?" I ask, Holland smiles sadly and nods "a few broken fingers and a hell of a lot of bruising but other than that he's ok, he'll stay for overnight observation and be off school for a while. Thank you for asking" replies Holland "I'm glad it's nothing too serious" I say

I shift Finlay's weight onto my right side "who's this little fella?" asks Owen, looking at my son "this is my son, Finlay, sag hi, Fin" I reply, my son waves and smiles at Holland and Owen who coo over him "he's just perfect!" Exclaims Holland "thank you!" i say smiling

"well, i best be off or this one will be grumpy" i say, bopping Finlay up and down. Holland and Owen nod, bidding me their goodbye's as I turn and leave.

I strap Finlay into his carseat making sure he's secure and then get in the drivers seat and drive us home.

I think it's safe to say that I'm going to enjoy working at Grey Sloan Memorial hospital. I also think I'm going to make some good friends, Jackson definitely seems like a promising friend but we'll have to see how that one progresses wont we?

It'll all be fine.


Hello there my lovelies!

Did I make a crossover chapter? Yes, yes I believe I did. I hope you guys liked that I've involved Holland and Faith and Owen and Cruz into this, obviously Leo's at College so he won't be making much of an appearance but still!

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay string
stay wonderful
stay smiling

most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

All my love, Blue xxx

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