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Jackson drives me home telling me he'll pick me up tomorrow considering i left my car at the hospital.

"I'll walk you in" says Jackson as he pulls into the parking lot of my block of apartments "are you sure?" I ask, he smiles and nods "of course, what's a true gentleman for if not to walk his beautiful lady to her door" replies Jackson, i giggle and blush slightly "you know you can be quite the catch, Mr Bigshot" i remark, he raises his eyebrows at me "is that so?" Asks Jackson, i roll my eyes as i get out of the car.

We walk to the entrance of my block of apartments and i stop dead in my tracks, causing Jackson to stop with me "what's up, Ivy?" Asks Jackson concerned but it takes a moment "Arrow" I say, he frowns and follows my eyes to where i'm looking. Sure enough there stands the man, dark skin, fluffy black hair and piercing green eyes staring back at me

"Well, well, well, Ivy, I was hoping to see you some time soon, you see, your mother answered the machine and ignored me after I told her who I was" says Arrow "and lucky for me you showed up, and just when I was about to give up hope. Who's this? Your new boy toy?" Asks Arrow, eyeing us up "I thought you went back to prison, Arrow, what are you doing here?" I ask, he waves me off "I was in there for three months, sweetheart, besides I'm here to see my little boy" replies Arrow

"No" i state simply "you're not seeing Finlay, Arrow so run along" i add, he chuckles coldly "sweetheart, I'll see my boy and you know I will" says Arrow, stepping closer "you got fat" comments Arrow "hey! back off" states Jackson, Arrow scrutinizes him

"who the fuck are you?" Asks Arrow, turning his nose up at Jackson "Jackson Avery, what does it matter to you?" Asks Jackson "It matters to me because you have your arm around my girl, pretty boy" replies Arrow "I'm not your girl, Arrow" I state firmly "you sure about that, sweetheart?" Asks Arrow, stepping closer to me

"Get away from her" states Jackson, shoving Arrow "Jackson" I warn but it's too late, Arrow's fist connects with Jackson's jaw "Arrow stop!" I exclaim but Jackson punches Arrow back square in the nose and before Arrow can retaliate, Jackson kicks him in the crown jewels, knocking Arrow to the ground and then kicking him in the ribs.

Jackson crouches down so Arrow can hear him loud and clear "now listen here, Arrow" says Jackson, emphasizing Arrow's name "stay the fuck away from Ivy and her son, you don't deserve either of them. Get out of my sight, you disgust me. Oh, and let this be a warning to you for if you ever decide to want to start a fist fight again, buddy, now run along" continues Jackson, Arrow grunts and stands up

"I'll be back, sweetheart" says Arrow, Jackson chuckles "did you not hear me?" Asks Jackson "oh I heard you loud and clear, pretty boy, but you wont be around forever, see Ivy here can't stick with one guy, she gets bored, she goes through guys like they're going out of fashion so I'd make the most out of what you have" spits Arrow, I cower at his words

"You think I'm going to believe the bullshit that comes out of your mouth?" Asks Jackson "look, save your breath and fuck off to somewhere someone might tolerate you" says Jackson, Arrow gives one more threatening stare before retreating from us

"Ivy" begins Jackson but before he can continue my lips are on his and for a moment we're immersed in a kiss "thank you" i say breathlessly as i stare into his eyes "Ivy, I'm not gonna let him hurt you, ever, not as long as I'm in your life and I'm planning on sticking around for a very long time. I'll always be here" says Jackson

"Thank you, no one's ever really been there to stick up for me apart from my dad when he was in Seattle but with him in Florida it's hard so you standing up for me tonight, well, that meant a lot to me" I say, he smiles at me and for a moment we're studying each other's faces before our lips connect once more.

Jackson kisses along my jawline and down my neck, i lift his head back up to be level with mine and kiss his lips again, my fingers running through his soft curls as my lips venture down his neck and on his collarbone, and along his jawline before meeting his lips again.

"Let me walk you to your apartment door" says Jackson, i smile and nod. He holds my hand in his and we walk together inside the building and up to the second floor where my apartment is.

"Thank you so much for tonight it was the most perfect night of my entire life and I couldn't have picked a better person to experience it with" I say as we finally reach my door "hey, you don't need to thank me all the time, babe" says Jackson "force of habit" I admit, biting my bottom lip nervously.

He smiles down at me, puts his finger under my chin and lifts my head so i'm facing him, then he slowly brings his face closer to mine like he's savoring my features before closing his eyes and kissing me, i melt into the kiss and for a moment the world dissolves, all my worries and problems are forgotten for that moment. In that moment it's just Jackson and I together entwined in a love filled kiss

And then that moment ends as we pull away, both of us still staring into the others eyes as though we're too afraid to reenter reality.

"I love you" says Jackson

"I love you more" I reply


Hello there my lovelies!

Sorry if this chapter isn't great quality, I'm not well at the moment and it's kinda late but I had to update. Jackson and Ivy are the cutest, change my mind aha.

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all so much!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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