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"Ivy" says Jackson. It's the first time we've spoken in hours "What Jackson? You gonna tell me I put my son to bed at the wrong time or what?" I ask bitterly

"I'm sorry ok?" says Jackson, i shake my head "no it's not ok, you cannot just criticise me and my parenting and then just say sorry expecting everything to be okay again" i reply, he sighs and runs a hand through his brown curls

"I shouldn't have said those things, Ivy, I didn't mean them I just felt left out like you didn't trust me to be Finlay's parent. It's stupid I know and I should've talked about it instead of lashing out. I know my excuses aren't great but they're genuine. I understand if you wanna stay mad at me but I hate not talking to you and not kissing you and not making you laugh, it's not fun seeing you angry because your smile is my favourite thing" says Jackson

"Jackson, I trust you with Finlay, he adores you, you're the best father figure and only father figure he has. Sometimes I'm too independent for my own good and I don't even realising I'm making decisions on my own for Finlay, it just happens because that's what I'm used to. I know we've been together for a while now but I just need time, it's weird hearing Finlay call you 'dad' because he always only said 'mom' when it was just us. I just need time to adjust ok? I'm sorry for ever making you feel left out or untrusted, that's not how I want or intend you to feel because I love and trust you but I'm still adapting" I explain

He nods "I'm sorry, I should've taken your feelings into account instead of jumping straight to conclusions" says Jackson, i nod "yes you should've" i reply, Jackson moves closer and kisses me but i pull away "I'm still pissed off" i tell him but he kisses my neck

"Jackson" I warn, he looks at me and grins "come on, Ivy" says Jackson as he kisses my neck and his hand rides up my shirt "I hear make up sex is the best" says Jackson "did you now?" I ask, he nods "you're not saying no so I'll carry on" says Jackson "Jackson wait" I say, he looks up at me "let's go upstairs" i say, he smirks

Jackson shuts the door and pushes me up against the wall and removes my shirt before kissing down my torso and back up so our lips lock, i take this opportunity to remove his shirt as well and kiss down his neck and down his chest and torso.

The next morning Jackson and i wake up a happy couple again after having reconciled "Morning" i say, Jackson smiles and kisses me "Good Morning, gorgeous" replies Jackson, i blush, goddamn him and his stupid charm "I'll get Finlay ready this morning" says Jackson, i nod and at that point we hear crying. Heaven's up.

"Hey there my gorgeous girl" I say as i pick her up out of her cot and cradle her in my arms "someone's a grumpy grump this morning isn't she?" I ask rhetorically because she can't answer back. We're trying to get her to talk before she turns one next month but the 'momma' isn't doing so well so i have a bad feeling 'dadda' is gonna be her first word which sucks but i guess it's fair because Finlay's first word was 'momma'

I put Heaven in a yellow and white polka dot dress with white tights and little black shoes. Her hair is almost long enough to tie back but not yet. She's so pretty though. After both the kids are dressed and fed we head out to start the day.

"Can you all come out with me to take me into Kindergarten?" Asks Finlay, usually one of us goes whilst the other stays in the car with Heaven. I look at Jackson who shrugs and nods "I don't see why not bud" I reply, he smiles excitedly.

He walks by Heaven who's in her car seat sort of portable cot thing and talks to her the whole way from the parking lot to Kindergarten. "Holden! Jonathan!" Says Finlay "Finlay!" Says Holden, they runs over to each other and hug each other and my heart melts. "Hello Mrs Finlay's mom" says Holden "Hey, Holden" I say smiling "who's this, Fin?" I ask gesturing to who I think is Jonathan

He has brown curly hair almost like Finlay's with tanned skin and green eyes "momma this is Jonathan" says Finlay, I wave at Jonathan who smiles at me "alright well you have a good day bud" I say, "thanks momma. Bye momma, Bye Pops, i love you" says Finlay

"I love you too bud" Jackson and I reply in unison as we watch him run off with his friends. We then walk back to the car and continue our journey to the hospital where we both take Heaven to the daycare before heading to the ER

"We have five car crash victims" announces a paramedic "We got a 25 year old male, Steven Carr, several broken bones, abdominal bleeding and head injuries" says the Paramedic "We have a 50 year old female, Gwyneth Fletcher, several broken bones, head injury, unconscious and due to the vehicle being in flames, multiple burn injuries" says the paramedic "what did you say her name was?" I ask

"Gwyneth Fletcher" replies the paramedic. No. no no no no no. "Ivy" says Jackson "you can't operate on her Ivy" says Jackson "50 year old male, Tate Fletcher, broken leg, broken ribs, burn injuries and abdominal bleeding" says the paramedic

Suddenly breathing is very difficult. Why are my parents here? "Ivy" says someone but it's all muffled, my head is swarming with questions and worries. Everything is a blur "Ivy breathe" is the last thing i hear before blacking out.


Hello there my lovelies!

Sorry for leaving y'all on a cliff hanger! Exciting news tho, as I've been writing this i have also been thinking about and have started writing another Harry Potter fanfic so the first two chapters if that will be up after this so check that out if you're a potter fan and a drarry shipper ;)

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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