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Jackson and I have the day off today so we're at home with Heaven whilst Finlay is at Kindergarten for the morning.

Whilst Heaven is asleep, there's a knock at the door so Jackson answers it. Two police officers stand at the door "Good Morning, Officers, how can I help?" I hear Jackson ask the two men "Hello, sir, I'm Constable Holt Columbus and this is my partner Constable Bill Jefferson, does Mrs Ivy Avery live here?" Asks one of the Constables "Ivy" calls Jackson

I walk over to the door and immediately they put me in handcuffs "Ivy Avery you are under arrest for the murder of Arrow Clarke, you have the right to remain silent but anything you do say can and will be used against you in court, you will have a formal court trial as soon as possible in which if you are found guilty your prison sentence may be 25 years to life" says one of the Constables

"What do you mean the murder of Arrow Clarke?" Asks Jackson in confusion and in concern "Arrow Clarke was murdered at 10:00 PM yesterday evening at his local shops and Ivy is one of the suspects" replies the other constable. Jackson goes to protest but they take me away. I didn't murder Arrow but if i kick off and restrain they'll think i did it.

When we get to the station i'm made to sat in a questioning room and wait for some different officers to question me. 5 minutes later a man and a woman enter the room "Hello, Ivy Avery, I'm Sergeant Amelia Wilson and this is my partner Sergeant Adam Jameson" says the woman, i nod as they sit down "as you already know Arrow Clarke was murdered last night and you are a prime suspect which is why you are here, we will question you and if we feel we need higher powers to decide we will arrange a court hearing" explains Adam, i nod "sure" i reply

"First question is how did you know Arrow Clarke?" Asks Amelia, i sigh at the question "I moved here five almost six years ago after graduating from med school and worked at Virginia Mason Hospital and one day at a bar I met Arrow, he charmed me for a bit and then we got together and I got pregnant with my son Finlay but we broke up" i explain "and why did you break up?" Asks Adam "Arrow wasn't who I thought he was, he was manipulative and abusive, mentally physically and emotionally abusive, he was in and out of jail so I stopped him seeing Finlay because I didn't deem him a fit parent and my best interests were my son" i reply

"And did Arrow back away?" Asks Adam, i shake my head "he kept on, he stalked me, he found me but luckily Finlay was with my mother at the time so spend time with his grandma and my then boyfriend now husband Jackson was with me, Arrow tried to hit me, Jackson stepped in and Arrow and him got into a bit of a fight but Arrow left us alone for a while. Then he cornered Jackson with three of his friends, they beat him to an inch of death and then left us alone again for a while. Then yesterday he sent me texts telling me he knew where I was and he wanted to see Finlay and he would see Finlay whether I said no or not. He arrived at Finlay's kindergarten but we kept telling him to leave until he gave in and left, I never saw him after that and that was like 12:00 PM in the afternoon when morning Kindergarten stops" I reply

"I see and where were you at 9-10PM last night?" Asks Amelia, i just told them i hadn't seen Arrow since? Do they think i'm lying? "I was at home with my two children and my husband, my kids were in bed and Jackson and I were watching old Lee Evans DVDs" i reply truthfully, they nod "so despite everything Arrow did to you, you never had a motive to kill him?" Asks Amelia, i shake my head

"Sergeant Wilson, Sergeant Jameson, I am a Surgeon, my job is to save lives, I would never ever kill anyone, Arrow may have made my life hell and may have put me through a lot but I would never wish death on him because that's just wrong, sinister and immoral" i reply, rather offended that they think i'm lying, i hate Arrow with a passion but never would i ever want him to die, everyone deserves a life.

"We understand, Mrs Avery and we respect you and your profession this is just procedure as I'm sure you understand" says Adam, i nod because i do "of course, I respect you and your profession very much and I understand completely" I reply, they nod

"So, Ivy one last question, you said you were with your husband Jackson Avery last night watching old Lee Evans DVDs, if this is the truth you wouldn't mind if we brought Jackson in for questioning to confirm this alibi?" Asks Amelia, i nod "absolutely, you can ask Jackson, can I just ask one thing?" I ask, they both nod "what's going to happen with my children? Finlay finishes Kindergarten at just before 12 and Heaven is only one years old so who's meant to look after them?" I ask

"Is there any immediate family in town that could look after your children that Jackson could call?" Asks Adam, i nod "yeah his mother" i reply, they nod

"Don't worry, Mrs Avery, we'll give Jackson time for his mother to come and look after your children" says Amelia, i smile and nod, relief washing over me "thank you" i reply, they nod

"Mrs Avery we're going to put you in a holding cell for the time being, this is just procedure, nothing to worry about" says Adam, i nod and wait in the holding cell calmly because i know i didn't do it.


Hello there my lovelies!

So, I decided to add this in here for tension and suspense bc i literally have no ideas and i've been watching mind hunter aha so yeah :))

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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