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Everything hurts.

I wake up with a dry throat and sore eyes and a heavy head. I turn my head to the side and see Jackson and Catherine and Zayden. My kids. Who has my kids?

"Jackson?" I ask almost inaudibly because of my dry throat "Ivy? Ivy!" Exclaims Jackson "I'll get you water" says Jackson. He puts a straw to my lips and i gulp down the water greedily. My head begins to feel better as i drink more water.

"Jackson, the kids" I say, he shakes his head "don't worry about them, Bella is looking after them" replies Zayden, i exhale a breath of relief knowing my kids are ok "I'm so sorry" I say, Jackson shakes his head and kisses my hand "No, baby, no, don't be sorry, you didn't know this would happen" replies Jackson. What did i do to deserve him?

"I was driving back home it was all fine, i checked down other roads making sure no cars were coming, it came out of no where, this van, it was speeding and the driver was obviously drunk and he hit me and that's all I remember" I explain, Jackson nods and absorbs all the information in my story

"Zayden are you sure Bella will be ok with the kids?" I ask. Zayden nods and smiles "Don't worry, Ivy, Bella has it under control, she needs to practice anyway, we were gonna wait to tell you but Bella's pregnant" replies Zayden, this just makes me cry "That's wonderful!" I exclaim through my tears "that's very anticlimactic" says Zayden, i shake my head

"Jackson, I'm so sorry, I wanted it to be a surprise, my scan was next week, I was going to wrap the scan up and give it to you I had it all planned out and...and there is no baby" I sob, Jackson strokes my hair and kisses my temple "Hey! Ivy, baby, it's not your fault" replies Jackson.

"Ivy, I didn't know" says Zayden, I shake my head "no you wouldn't have I was the only one that knew. I'm happy for you and Bella, I can't wait to meet my niece or nephew" I reply. Zayden nods.

"Ivy, dear I'm glad you're as ok as you can be but unfortunately I have a flight to catch" says Catherine, i nod my head as best i can "sure, go, Catherine, thank you for coming and giving Jackson moral support I appreciate that so much" i reply, Catherine smiles and nods "I'm only a call away" says Catherine, it seems Jackson is too dazed to care whether or not someone was coming or going

"I'm gonna go as well, I said Bella needed practice but I guess she might need help and you look like you two need alone time" says Zayden, i smile at my brother "thanks, Zay, say hi to Bella for me" i reply "will do, bye sis, love you" says Zayden "love you too" i reply. He turns and leaves the ward, just me and Jackson now.

"Are you comfortable? Hungry? Thirsty?" Asks Jackson "I'm ok, Jackson, I mean I guess..." I begin but I trail off as my heart hurts and oxygen becomes scarce and everything goes black and noises become muffled.

I hear someone about to call time of death for me, i think the fuck not, i'm too pretty to die. Suddenly I gasp back to life again and i'm met with a tear stained Jackson "Fucking hell, Ivy, don't scare me like that" says Jackson "I look pretty good for a dead bitch" I reply, he laughs and holds onto my hand for dear life, like if he lets go i might die "Anyway, I was saying I would like food" I say

"What food do you want? I'll go get anything" replies Jackson, i smile, he's so cute "KFC would be so good right now but first I really really want a kiss" I say, Jackson smiles and leans over and kisses me. "Boneless banquet?" Asks Jackson "you know me so well" I reply, he kisses me again "I'll be back as soon as possible, just stay alive ok?" Asks Jackson, I smile and nod.

Soon enough, Jackson returns with KFC and i practically inhale my food. It's so good and I can't get enough of the chicken.

"Ivy, I was so scared that I was going to lose you, I prayed that you had to be ok. I waited in the waiting room pleading for you to be ok, for me to go into your ward and you'd smile and make some stupid sarcastic comment that I'll find the cutest thing" says Jackson. "And you are ok, you've given me a few scares but you're ok and now we're sitting here eating chicken and I'm talking to you, I'm listening to you and I can't be more thankful. I know I say I love you all the time but I always feel like I never say it enough. Ivy I love you so much from the bottom of my heart I love you so so so much and I can't bare to lose you. You make me whole, Ivy. You are my soulmate. I love you" continues Jackson

"I don't know what I did to deserve you, Jackson but I am so thankful I have you. You are so kind, so caring, so funny, so unbelievably hot and the best father the world has ever seen. I love you so damn much that I could give Cupid a run for his money as the god of love for you. I love you, Jackson, more than words can say. More than I can express. I'm glad I'm alive with you, sitting here inhaling my food" I reply, Jackson smiles, leans over and kisses me once more.

Having broken limbs sucks ass but having a Jackson makes it bearable. I really seriously don't deserve him at all. "I love you, Ivy" says Jackson, I smile at him "I love you more, Jackson" I reply.


Hello there my lovelies!

So here's some tension, some heartwarming, some sarcasm. In short here's more just about readable content. I'm sorry this is so terrible I hope you have maybe managed to enjoy this tho!

anyways, thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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