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Over the next week I spend trying to avoid Jackson because I'm not sure what we're doing but i don't like the callousness of it.

"Hey, Einstein" says the one man i've been avoiding for almost a week "Hey" I reply as I continue walking to a patient "you ok?" asks Jackson, I nod as I collect the chart for the patient "look, Jackson, I have a patient to see, I'll see you later" I state.

I walk into the room where my patient is, leaving Jackson on his own, it's harsh i know but i don't know how to feel about him. "Hello there, Ms Clarke, I'm Dr Ivy Fletcher, here to prep you for your skin graft surgery to cover your burns" I state to my patient Rita Clarke, a middle aged woman who is actually very nice and quite funny. "Thank you dear" says Rita, I smile and nod as I prep her.

After surgery i scrub out and head off to the ER but i'm cornered by a woman i don't know "what are you doing with Jackson?" Asks the woman, i frown at her "I-I'm sorry um who are you?" I ask, the woman just blinks at me before realising she's never spoken to me before "oh sorry, Maggie Pierce, I assume you're Ivy Fletcher?" Asks Maggie, oh Maggie Pierce, i've heard of her, i nod "that's me" i reply "why does it matter to you what i do with Jackson?" I ask

"Because I care about him" replies Maggie "isn't he your ex boyfriend?" I ask, she nods "that's not relevant" replies Maggie "well, i don't know to tell you the truth but it seems all he wants from me is sex so i don't think i want to go down that route, i have a son i can't just go sleeping around with random people" i state, Maggie sighs "Jackson's not like that" says Maggie

"Well then maybe he's changed" i reply "because we've known each other all of two weeks, we've already slept together and now his ex is cornering me on my way
to the ER to see what my deal is" i continue "No, Ivy, that's not what I meant. I mean, if Jackson really likes you he wouldn't use you like that, just give him a chance" says Maggie exasperatedly

"I appreciate the concern" i begin "but I don't need a lecture" i continue, i try to walk away but Maggie stops me "what is your deal? I'm trying to help you out and you completely disregard me, what's so bad about giving Jackson a chance?" Asks Maggie "Jackson's not the problem!" I exclaim "then what is?" Asks Maggie, i shake my head "i can't" i reply

"Ivy, what's happened?" Asks Maggie like she's my best friend "will you just let me leave?" I ask, but she doesn't, she shakes her head "not until you tell me what's wrong" says Maggie, is she for real? is she being serious "i barely know you" I state, trying to walk away again but failing to do so "you've made it sound like something serious has happened, i'm just concerned" says Maggie "well don't be" i reply

"why can't you tell me then if it's nothing to be concerned about?" Asks Maggie, can she not let it go? "If you're so worried about Jackson why don't you go corner him somewhere" I say all too spitefully for my liking "why are you changing the subject?" Asks Maggie, i heave a sigh and shake my head "just let me go" i state but she doesn't

"for the love of god!" I exclaim "alright fine you wanna know what's bothering me? You wanna know what the problem is? You wanna know why I've been avoiding Jackson for the past week?" I ask, she nods "I'm pregnant" I say

She loosens her grip on my arm and i wrench myself from her grip and storm
away to the ER to tend to patients like it's my job to do. "Ivy! Ivy wait!" I hear Maggie exclaim but all I want to do is get on with my work.

I finally get to the ER and start tending to patients to get my mind off of the fact that i just voiced the one thing that seemed so surreal to me for the past week. I don't want to be pregnant, I can't be pregnant.

At the end of the day i go to pick Finlay up to find he's gone. This day could not get any worse "Excuse me, where is my son, Finlay Fletcher?" I ask the daycare worker "oh, Mrs Gwyneth Fletcher told me to let you know she took the liberty of picking up her grandson" replies the daycare worker, i nod "thank you" i say

Well at least that problem is resolved. I walk out to the parking lot and am stopped by no other than Jackson Avery himself "You're pregnant?" Asks Jackson, my heart stops "Not only have you been avoiding me, you didn't tell me you're pregnant and I heard it from Maggie Pierce, you told my ex girlfriend that you're pregnant with my kid but didn't think to tell me?" Continues Jackson, evident anger in his tone

"Jackson, I was going to tell you" I begin, he scoffs "I was, I just needed time to come to terms with it, the only reason I told Maggie was because she cornered me and wouldn't let me go until I told her what was causing me to avoid you, I told her I wasn't sure where we were going and then she said that if you liked me then you'd make us more than just sex and then I said you aren't the problem and she made me tell her" I explain

"Ivy, you should've told me" says Jackson "I was going to tell you after the 12 week scan when I knew for definite but never mind" I reply

"look, just, let's go have dinner" says Jackson, i begrudgingly oblige and we get in his car.


Hello my lovelies!

How do you feel about this? Let me know!

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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