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Today is my wedding day. I never thought i'd get this day but i was lucky enough to meet Jackson.

I get into my dress. A white, strapless ballgown. The corset top has a sweetheart neckline with fabric white roses along the neckline and along the hem of the skirt which is just a plain silk skirt with a bit of a sparkle. It also has a bling belt around the waist. It's perfect. My maid of honour, Jasmine and my bridesmaid, Holland are wearing teal cocktail dresses with rhinestones along the hem of the skirt and the neckline. I asked April to be a bridesmaid but she didn't think it would be appropriate, i thought it was a long shot when i asked but i thought i should ask anyway.

My jet black curls are tied up into a neat bun on the centre of my head with pins that have little white roses on them so it looks like there are roses around the bun. My bridesmaids have their hair styled in waterfall curls and everything is so perfect.

I meet my dad outside the altar and i can see that he's trying hard not to cry "pops, you can cry" i say smiling as i reach him at the doors "you look beautiful, Ivy" says dad, i smile at him "you're lucky I'm wearing water proof mascara because you might make me cry before I'm even married" i joke, dad chuckles slightly which makes me smile

"Ivy before we go in I just want to tell you something" says dad, i nod for him to continue "Ivy, when you were born you were the happiest baby I've ever known. One of the first things you did to me was held my forefinger with your tiny fingers and smiled up at me and it melted my heart, it was perfection in a picture. That smile kept until it didn't, after a while the smile faded and so did my happy baby girl. Then you had Finlay and a fraction of that smile reappeared but you still weren't my happy baby girl, not the one I knew. Then you met Jackson and every time you spoke about him you sounded like my happy baby girl. When I saw you with him you were my happy baby girl. That's why I was so hard on him at first, I was envious of him for bringing back that part of you because I never could achieve such a thing. Now look at you, my happy baby girl getting married to the one man who brought the real you back. Ivy, I want you to know that I am so proud of you and how far you have come. You are strong, intuitive, smart, beautiful, independent and so much more and I love you with my whole heart. I wish you all the happiness the world can offer" says Dad, now i really am crying, i hug him

"Thank you, pops, I love you too" i reply, he smiles and wipes my tears and kisses my cheek "let's get you in the altar" says dad. I take his arm and he walks me down the aisle and there stands Jackson, a black tux, a white shirt and a teal tie. My bouquet is a mix of white and teal fabric roses. This is my wedding.

I'm not really listening to what the priest says as I stare into Jackson's eyes, the only thing that catches my attention is the announcement of the vows "and now, for the vows, Jackson, your vows" says the priest, Jackson nods, clears his throat and faces me.

"Ivy Tate Fletcher, from the day I first met you I knew you were going to mean a lot to me, that you were going to be a big part of my life and look where we are now, standing here in the altar in front of people we know and love declaring our undying love for one another, both of us parents of three beautiful children. We have come so far in our relationship and day after day I wake up and realise that I am the luckiest guy to walk this earth because somehow I got you. You, the kind, caring, wonderful, smart, talented, beautiful, amazing person you are. I love you more than I can express in words. You mean the world to me, Ivy, and I am so lucky, so grateful, so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with you and our children. You are the light of my life, Ivy. I love you" says Jackson, oh shit i'm crying again "Thank you, Jackson, Ivy, now for your vows" says the priest, i wipe my tears, nod and face Jackson

"Jackson Avery, I first met you when I bumped into you on my first day at Grey Sloan Memorial and I completely freaked out because I was talking to medical prodigy Jackson Avery and instead of laughing at me you took interest in me, you helped me, you bettered me, you made me whole, you made me smile when I thought I never would again. You helped me in so many ways and you never realised it. I love you with my whole heart and the fact that you love me back makes me happy, it makes me feel wanted, something I haven't felt for years. You made me feel special, you made me feel important ant you still do. I am so grateful to have you, so grateful to be with you. I love you, Jackson Avery, now, then, forever and always" I say

"You may now kiss the bride" says the Priest. Jackson dips me and kisses me then smiles at me "I love you, Mrs Avery" says Jackson, i smile widely, loving that i am now Mrs Jackson "I love you more, Mr Avery" i reply and he kisses me again. I'm Mrs Avery, how insane is that? I'm married!


Hello there my lovelies!

Eeeek! They married now! I love them ngl 🥺

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbows my loves

all my love, Blue xxx

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