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The next morning I wake up next to Jackson Avery and the memories flood back to me.

"Morning" says Jackson in a raspy voice with a sleepy smile, i think my heart just melted "Morning" I reply with an easy smile.

I get up and go to the bathroom to do my hair and "holy shit balls" I say, Jackson frowns "what's wrong?" He asks as i study my neck "nothing just a few hickeys" I reply, he smirks "sorry" he says, i mean his face doesn't show he means it but i can't help smiling "nothing a little foundation wont fix" I assure him, though the assurance is mainly for my benefit

I cake foundation on my neck until the hickeys are invisible and then i get on with making myself look presentable.

As I do my makeup, Jackson wraps his arms around my waist "hey there" i say as I apply my blush "hey" he says, turning me round and kissing me, i don't protest

"if you continue to distract me we're gonna be late, Mr Bigshot" I say smirking, he mirrors my smirk "is that so?" Asks Jackson "I really do have to go, I promised mom I would take Finlay to the daycare" I say, he pouts but nods in understanding

"Well, I'll see you at work" says Jackson, kissing me one more time "see you at work" I reply as I walk out of the door.

I have to walk back to the hospital to get my car anyway but lucky for me it's only a 15 minute walk which isn't long and my shift starts in 40 minutes, I have plenty of time to quickly change and get to work with dropping Finlay off before hand

"How was your night out?" Asks my mom as i walk down the hall into my room "it was fun thanks, momma" I reply, she smiles, ceasing to ask anymore questions because my mom respects my private life as an adult which i am grateful of

"How are you, momma?" I ask as I change straight into my scrubs from home and hand Finlay a pot of chopped pineapple which he indulges in. "I'm good, sweetpea" replies mom, I smile and hug her quickly "are you staying tonight or going home?" I ask, she thinks for a moment "I think I'll stay one more night, I'm sure your father is more than capable to look after Jasmine and Harley on his own" says mom, I smile, Jasmine is 16 and Harley is 18 but he's living at home whilst he's in college

"How are Jay and Har?" I ask, mom smiles "Jasmine is driving your father up the wall, she went and got herself a boyfriend, I think his name is Elio and your father is livid obviously and Harley is just fine" replies mom as she walks to the car with me, I assume she's accompanying me to work

"So, who did you spend last night with?" Asks mom, I blush "Well, there's this guy that I work with, Jackson, I dunno, momma, we have this kind of connection, he understands me. So we met up for drinks last night" I reply, mom smiles and i know she thinks i have a serious relationship now.

"This Jackson boy, is he nice?" Asks mom, I nod "nicer than any guy I've met" i reply, she nods "that's all that matters then. Although, when it gets serious make sure you bring him to Florida to meet me and your father and your siblings, well Jasmine and Harley, I don't know if he'll get the chance to meet Zayden what with him being in the army" says mom

"I will, momma" i reply, she smiles and I pull up outside the hospital. "We're here" I say "momma, how're you getting home?" I ask "I'll catch a bus dear" says mom as she gets out the car, I hug her "I'll see you later momma" I say, she smiles and waves as I take Finlay with me into the hospital.

"Hey there, Einstein" Says Jackson as he sees me walking out of the daycare, I smile and wave at him "hey there, Mr Bigshot" I reply, he smiles and walks with me "what're you doing this morning?" Asks Jackson "ER, what about you?" I ask "the pit" replies Jackson, I nod, so we're going in the same direction then.

"What about this afternoon?" Asks Jackson "i have a surgery and then just post op and pre op, you?" I reply, he nods "i have two back to back surgeries and then i'm doing charts" says Jackson

"sounds like we both have rather eventful days" I comment, he chuckles and nods "sounds so, Einstein" replies Jackson.

Post op and Pre op didn't take as long as I thought so instead I grab a few charts and head to an on call room for some privacy to get my work done.

In the on call room i enter is none other than Jackson Avery himself with his charts "Hey" he says, an easy smile resting on his face "Hey" I reply, sitting down next to him.

"what happened to post op and pre op?" Asks Jackson, staring into my eyes "i- it took less time than anticipated" I reply, he nods and closes the space between us, charts are long forgotten as he kisses me.

He gets up and closes the door, making sure to lock it before moving the charts and standing me up, he pushes me against the wall and kisses me, kissing down my neck but not too much because of the foundation.

I bring his face back up to mine so our lips lock again and I remove his shirt. Whoever thought id be doing rendezvous with Jackson Avery in an on call room?

Jackson removes my shirt and picks me up so my legs are around his waist and he kisses down my torso.

What am I doing?


Hello there my lovelies!

i hope y'all are well! How'd you feel about the jackson content? Idk I feel like Jackson deserves a love interest that sticks, April didn't work out, Maggie didn't work out, Vic didn't work out, he's verging with Owen here and that's not good so I made up Ivy for him.

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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