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I go back down the stairs, helping Jackson down the stairs as he's still not fully independent.

"Ivy we best be going" says mom, i nod in agreement "I think that's wise" i reply, looking at my father "goodbye, momma, pops" i say, hugging them stiffly and then turn to my siblings "Bye, Jay, Har, Zap" I say "are we taking Finlay?" Asks Dad, i nod "yeah that would be great" I reply as i hug each of my siblings and my son "you be good for grandma and grandpops" i say to Finlay, he nods and kisses my cheek "I will, momma" says Finlay, i smile and ruffle his hair "that's my boy" i say kissing his forehead

"I'll on Wednesday" i say to my family, they nod and leave the house. "Hey" says Jackson as soon as everyone else is out of the house "hey" i reply, he wraps his arms around my waist "you're gonna be ok" says Jackson, kissing me "I just want them to like you as much as I love you" i reply, he laughs and winces "take it easy, baby, fancy going up to bed and watching a film?" I ask, he nods and we make our way to our room.

I help Jackson into bed making sure he's comfortable and that's when Heaven starts crying. Mom and Dad are taking Finlay for a few nights a week to help lighten the load of looking after Jackson Heaven and Finlay which helps me whilst i'm on maternity leave.

I pick Heaven up and bop her up and down "hey there, Heaven" i say, i go downstairs and get her a bottle and bring her back up the stairs "Jackson, we have a special someone joining us" i say as i walk into our room holding Heaven and feeding her the bottle, Jackson smiles "perfect" says Jackson

"so what do you want to watch?" Asks Jackson as Heaven rests on my chest. Apparently babies fall asleep on your chest because they can hear your heartbeat and that calms them because it's a familiar sound, it works. "How about we watch Hamilton?" I ask, i was so happy when they put that on Disney + because it's my favorite musical "sure thing" replies Jackson

We watch the movie and i sing the songs under my breath as i stroke my daughter's head and watch the musical in awe. At the intermission point i decide it's safe to put Heaven back in her cot so i do and i come back into bed with Jackson to watch the rest of the musical but i can cuddle up to Jackson now so i do and he strokes my hair and kisses my head as we continue watching.

"You're so cute when you sing the songs" says Jackson, i smile and face him "you think so?" i ask, kissing him, he smiles and nods "i know so" replies Jackson, i chuckle and shake my head, rolling my eyes at him. I flick his nose "just watch the musical" i say smirking, he rolls his eyes but turns his attention back to the screen nonetheless

The musical ends and Jackson turns the TV off "you don't wanna watch anything else? It's only 8:00PM?" I ask, Jackson kisses me "why watch something when you're right here?" Asks Jackson, i laugh "no, I'm sorry, Mr Bigshot, but you can barely move without being in pain" i say, he pouts "but Ivy" whines Jackson, i shake
my head "not until your ribs have healed" i reply, he sighs "that's like eight weeks from now" groans Jackson, i roll my eyes and kiss him "yes i know you're so hard done by" i say sarcastically, Jackson pouts again "you're the worst" says Jackson, i laugh "you love me though" i retort, a smile tugs at his lips "yeah I do" replies Jackson

"look, I'll let you pick the next movie" I say, he laughs "oh yeah that's a fair compromise" says Jackson sarcastically "there isn't much I can do" i say, he sighs "i know" replies Jackson sulkily, i cuddle up closer to him "so" i begin "what movie?" I ask, he rolls his eyes and smirks at me "ever heard of Lee Evans?" Asks Jackson, i frown and shake my head, Jackson gapes at me "who's Lee Evans?" I ask "Um only a comedy legend" replies Jackson "If you look in the cabinet under the TV there's a box set of Lee Evans DVD's and there should be one entitled: 'Lee Evans Live At Her Majesty's Theatre' it's his first filmed live show" continues Jackson

I get up and find the exact DVD he told me about and take it out and put it in the DVD player. I then get back into bed and cuddle back up next to Jackson to watch this Lee Evans and see how good he really is.

Throughout the show i laughed continuously, how i've never watched Lee Evans before is beyond me because he truly is a comedy legend from what i've seen. He's hilarious.

"You want to watch the next one? It's 10:00 PM, you reckon you could make it through another two hours?" Asks Jackson, i think it over and shake my head "I think we should get a few hours of sleep in before Heaven wakes up again otherwise we won't get any sleep" I reply

"That is a good point" says Jackson, i laugh and nod "it is" i agree. I get up and turn the light off before getting into bed again. "Hey, Jackson" I say, he hums in response "I'm sorry about my parents today, I don't know what's up with them but you shouldn't have to be put on the spot and basically insulted like that" I continue "Ivy, don't feel like you have to apologize for your parents' actions, they don't speak for you and I'm marrying you whether they like it or not" replies Jackson, i smile "Hey, I love you" i say

"I love you more" replies Jackson


Hello there my lovelies!

Some heartwarming content i guess. i don't actually know how big Lee Evans is in America but he truly is a comedy legend and i love Hamilton as well aha but yeah. i hope y'all enjoyed this

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my loves, Blue xxx

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