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Jackson POV

Today I'm taking Ivy and Finlay to see the house, I think it's perfect.

It's a house with a white front, light brown shutters on the windows. It has a beautiful big garden with a swing set and a few trees down the end of the garden. There are four bedrooms, a nice living room and a nice kitchen. It's perfect in my eyes.

"You guys ready?" i ask after greeting Ivy with a kiss, she nods and picks up Finlay "Jackson!" says Finlay, i smile and ruffle his hair "Hey there, Fin" i reply, he smiles at me and so does Ivy.

We get in my car and drive to the house, as we pull up Ivy gapes at the house "Jackson it's beautiful" says Ivy, i chuckle "you haven't even seen it yet" i reply, she shrugs "it looks beautiful on the outside that's all" says Ivy

I take them both inside and Ivy gushes in the hallway as she takes in the cream walls, she walks into the living room, creamy beige walls with a black leather couch sitting on a cream hearth rug and a brown carpet. She looks at the kitchen, white cupboards, black countertops and white walls. She looks in the garden and let's Finlay play in the garden whilst we go upstairs to see the rest of the house

She looks in each room and see's that they're plain so we can decorate them the way we want. The bathroom is a shade of electric blue with a bathtub and a shower. There are things in here from my apartment like the couch and the bed in our room but we will have to buy everything else.

"So what do you think?" I ask, she smiles "Jackson, it's perfect and I love it" replies Ivy. I kiss her and she returns the kiss.


Ivy is 8 months pregnant and we've finally moved into our house and decorated the rooms that needed it and now we're just waiting for little Heaven to be born

This morning Ivy and I are both off for the day and Finlay is playing in the garden whilst we're sitting outside on chairs together watching Finlay play with his toys in the garden "Jackson" says Ivy, i hum in response "I think my waters just broke" says Ivy, suddenly my calm nature has vanished and is replaced with panic

"Right ok, I'll take you to the hospital with Finlay, I'll put Finlay in the daycare and then I'll be there with you" I say, Ivy nods, i grab Finlay and put him in the car before helping Ivy into the car and Ivy pulls out her phone "what are you doing?" I ask "just calling my parents" replies Ivy, i nod

"Hey, pops" says Ivy, she nods "yeah, listen pops, I'm calling to let you know my waters broke just now" says Ivy, she smiles "yes pops that means I'm having the baby today" says Ivy "just try and get the earliest flight, could you call Zayden and let him know, I would but I feel a contraction about to happen" says Ivy "I love you all too, pops, bye" says Ivy, she hangs up the phone.

Soon enough we're at the hospital, I take Finlay to the daycare and help Ivy to the main desk "hello, mam how can I help you?" asks the woman as we walk up to her "Hey, I'm Jackson Avery this is my girlfriend Ivy Fletcher her waters broke and she's going into labour" i reply the woman nods "sit down and I'll call OB" says the woman, i nod and help Ivy into a seat.

Minutes later we are taken to a private room which is handy and i sit by Ivy's side holding her hand the whole time and four hours later Heaven Catherine Avery is brought into the world

"Jackson dear" says my mother as she enters the hospital "where is my granddaughter?" Asks mom as she kisses me and Ivy on the forehead, Ivy holds up Heaven and hands her to mom

"Mom, meet Heaven Catherine Avery" i say, mom looks at me with pure happiness in her eyes "oh, Jackson, Ivy, that's lovely thank you" says mom, i kiss her cheek and smile at her "mom you have done so much for me, Ivy and I agreed you deserve that" I say "Ivy what about your parents?" Asks Catherine, Ivy smiles "Finlay got my father's name as his middle name and my mother's last name" replies Ivy "I'm sure they'll agree you deserve this sort of honor" adds Ivy, mom smiles at us both an cuddles her granddaughter

My daughter, how beautiful she is, caramel soft skin, blue eyes and a little bit of brown hair. I love her with my whole heart already

Eventually mom leaves us and Heaven falls asleep and I'm laying in the hospital bed with Ivy cuddling her, mom agreed to look after Finlay for us.

"We have a baby" i say, Ivy smiles at me "we have a baby" repeats Ivy, i kiss her "hey, I love you" i say, she smiles and rolls her eyes "I love you more" replies Ivy

"Try and get some sleep, Ivy, I'll be here when you wake up" I say, she nods and rests her head on my chest and falls asleep and i fully take her in

I love her smile, her laugh, her dimples, her soft hair, her voice, her sense of humor, her sarcasm, i love everything about the girl next to me and that's when i realize the one thing i'm most certainly sure of, the one thing i have to do and i have to do it soon.

I have to find her the perfect ring and propose to her. I'm going to marry her. Mark my words Ivy Tate Fletcher will soon be Ivy Tate Avery. I will marry the love of my life, the woman next to me. Ivy Tate Fletcher.


Hello there my lovelies!

how are y'all? They had the baby! also unrelated to this but I'm a bit obsessed with the Hamilton soundtrack and the musical as a whole

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves

all my love, Blue xxx

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