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Jackson's POV

"Ivy wake up" I say softly, she shoots up and looks at me "my parents why aren't you with my parents?" Asks Ivy, i try to calm her but it's no use "Owen and Meredith's jobs are more important on your parents right now, I'll need to make skin grafts but I needed to make sure you were ok first" I reply, she nods mindlessly

"you wanna come with me to the little lab?" I ask, she nods again mindlessly and i help her up and guide her to the plastics room and sit her on a chair whilst i start the skin grafts.

"What happened?" Asks Ivy, she sounds distant, concerned "There was a car crash, someone crashed into your parent's car and it burst into flames. Your mom has a broken leg, arm and a few broken legs, a concussion and abdominal bleeding with a few burns. Your dad has a broken leg, broken ribs, abdominal bleeding and burns" i reply feeling it best to tell her the truth so it's not so much of a shock when she sees them.

"Oh god. Why are they here, Jackson? Why aren't they home with Jasmine and Harley. Are Jasmine and Harley ok? I know there were two other people but it's not- oh my god please don't say Jasmine and Harley are hurt?" Asks Ivy, i shake my head "No, Ivy, they're ok, Jasmine and Harley aren't here. Just breathe" I state

There's a knock on the door "come in" I state "Dr Avery, Dr Grey told me to let you know that you have about an hour and a half until you're needed in the OR" says an intern who's name I can't remember for the life of me "thanks" i state, they nod and leave, shutting the door behind me

"Why will it take so long?" Asks Ivy, i turn to face her "They have a few broken bones, Ivy, it'll take a while but don't worry we'll make sure they're ok" I reply soothingly

Suddenly there's another knock at the door "come in" i state again, this time it's Nico Schmitt at the door "Hey, Jackson, have you seen Levi anywhere?" Asks Nico "I think he's in surgery why? Is everything alright, Nico?" I ask, he smiles and nods "Yeah just our daughter, Phoenix, has lost her gym kit and needs one of us to drop it off to avoid detention but Levi's the one who saw it last" replies Nico, i chuckle "Kids, who'd have em?" I ask jokingly, Nico laughs "well I'll be off then, see ya" says Nico "see ya, Nico" i reply

After he leaves i continue my skin graft. "Do you need help?" Asks Ivy, i shake my head "darling, don't worry I'm ok, you need to sit down and focus on breathing ok?" I reply calmly, i see her and she nods. Her eyes look blank and she seems so distant, i take it her parents have never been hurt this badly before in her lifetime.

I finish my skin graft and i then wrap Ivy into a hug "I've finished the skin grafts" i say as i kiss her forehead "how are you?" I ask, i know she isn't ok but she needs to talk to someone before she breaks.

"I- I don't know" she replies "I'm scared I guess, I don't know how to feel. Nothing like this has ever happened before. I'm probably overreacting and being stupid because my parents are in the best hands but I can't help asking myself what if something goes wrong? I have a feeling they were here on a surprise visit and if they don't make it out of surgery I'll never forgive myself because I did nothing, I've sat here and broken down" continues Ivy

"Ivy, don't blame yourself, this is not your fault, you haven't done anything wrong. You can't have done anything because you aren't allowed to operate on family. I know how you feel. When mom got diagnosed with the cancer and had to do physio therapy it was scary, we didn't know if she would survive and I didn't do much, I broke down, I sat by and watched other's help her get better whilst being kind of supportive. All you can do is be there for your parents like you were for me when I broke my ribs" I explain

She looks into my eyes and kisses me "thank you" she says, someone opens the door without knocking and it's the same intern from earlier "you're needed in surgery now, Dr Avery" says the intern, i nod and they leave. I kiss Ivy again "Hey, I love you" I say, she half smiles and nods "I love you more" she replies

"I'll be back soon" i say, she nods and i leave. I scrub in for surgery and go into the OR joining Levi Schmitt and Amelia Shepherd.

"Hello, Dr Avery" says Levi Schmitt, i nod "Hey, Dr Schmitt" I reply, "Dr Shepherd" I say, she nods "Dr Avery" she acknowledges "Is Ivy ok? I saw she was pretty shaken up in the OR?" Asks Levi "these are her parents, Gwyneth Fletcher is who we have on the table and the next person I'm operating on her father, Tate Fletcher so she's a bit scared" I state, he lets out a low whistle "Jesus I'm sorry" says Levi

"I know how you feel, there was a school shooting at Phoenix and Kenzie's Kindergarten and Kenzie got shot, it was the scariest shit ever" says Levi, oh Jesus "Life can be shit sometimes" chimes Amelia, i nod "Amen" i reply, Levi nods "I second that" says Levi.

After Gwyneth's surgery i move onto Tate's surgery, both of which run relatively smoothly which sets my mind at ease because i know that both Ivy's parents are ok so that means she will be ok. Now it's time for us to tell Ivy her parents are alive and ok as can be.


Hello there my lovelies!

So I was originally gonna make something go wring but then i decided to keep Gwen and Tate alive bc we don't want broken Ivy and yeah 😂

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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