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Hello there my lovelies!

Another fanfic has come to an end. I'm surprised I'm still writing usually I don't spend much time doing things like this but I'm so invested now and you guys seem to love my content (i hope)

Right, first I'm gonna explain my ideas for potential upcoming fanfics bc i'm sure y'all are itching to know. So I am working on another Grey's fanfic bc like yes. I'm currently uploading the Drarry fanfic. I did think about Johnlock but I can't think of a plot for that. Please comment fanfics that you want to see bc as much as I write for my own enjoyment I also wrote for your leisure as well so you do get a say i also love reading your comments but I might put up like a message thing for people to leave fanfic ideas that they'd like to see

I also want to say a thank you to everyone who has read this story. It's mad that there's over 600 reads on this like that genuinely warms my heart so much. I started this account bc I wanted to write a schmico fanfic and I did and then that blew up and I wrote a sequel and that blew up and then I made it a trilogy with their daughter's spin off and that got a fair few reads. After that I just kept coming up with new ideas and posting and you guys just gave all of it so much love and support and i love you all for it.

This platform means a lot to me bc I can be who I am without being judged and I've basically been able to create a new place for me bc i mean obviously my name isn't Blue but I didn't feel comfortable sharing my name so I created Blue and I've come so far since and I just feel so loved here and yeah like I've gotten no hate at all which is good and I appreciate that bc idk i feel that means y'all are appreciative and aware of my feelings which I appreciate so much thank you all.

Yeah basically I'm shooketh to my core on how far I've come and how much I must thank all of you who have been here since 'schmico' only got like 100 reads now it's on like 15k which is mental and to think I was gonna delete it before bc I thought it was shit. I'm so glad I didn't give up and delete it bc I've come so far since.

I appreciate that you guys don't mind when I take like a day or two as a break for like personal reasons that means a lot.

I only intended for this to be 15 chapters but I got a bit too engrossed into the writing and Ik at the end i kinda like slopped a but I hope y'all have enjoyed reading as much as i've enjoyed writing this.

Anyway this is sooo long so imma just like end this here

thank you all for your love and support y'all are amazing and i love you all so so so much you mean the world to me

i hope you have a fabulous day night or evening and i will see you soon in another story

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay gorgeous
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

until we meet again

all my forever love, Blue xxx

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