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Jackson's getting better now and is becoming more independent so today i figure it's time to go back to work. "I'll take Finlay and Heaven to the daycare, you stay here and call or text if you need me to come back" I say, Jackson smiles and nods, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me "I'll be fine" says Jackson "I know, I just worry" I reply, he smiles "I know" says Jackson, i roll my eyes and flick his nose

"Right I have my phone, my keys, my purse, the kids, I'm all set. You have your phone and it should be on ringer like mine is, you know where everything is and you have my number on speed dial if you need it. Remember I can come home at any time if you need me. If you don't remember where something is let me know, if you feel too much pain let me know because Levi said that isn't a good sign. Remember to take your painkillers and if you run out call me and I'll get more damn it I know I should've gotten more for emergencies, I'll remember to pick those up before I start work so that they're at hand if you need them" I ramble on

"Ivy" says Jackson, stopping me from talking, i look over at him "are you ok? Are you in pain?" i begin asking a series of questions "Ivy" sags Jackson again "i don't have to go to work i can.." i'm cut off "Ivy breathe" says Jackson "I will be fine, you need to go back to work otherwise these four walls will drive you insane and we can't have that. Everything will be ok" continues Jackson, i nod

"Now go and have a good day at work, I'll be right here perfectly fine when you come back" says Jackson, i nod and kiss him "I'll see you later" i say, he nods and i leave the house, still worrying about him as i strap the kids in the car. What if he falls down the stairs? What if he passes out? What if he doesn't take his meds? I shake my head to clear it and try to focus on something else

When i get to work i take the kids to the daycare and then go get a coffee "sorry" i say mindlessly to the person i bumped into "Ivy, are you ok?" Asks the voice of Meredith Grey, i look up at her and nod "just peachy thanks, Mer, how are you?" I ask, she nods "good thanks" replies Meredith, i nod curtly, take my coffee and leave.

The ER is eerily quiet today and i have a bad feeling about it. "Hey, Ivy, got anything for me?" Asks Owen, i shake my head "afraid not, Owen" i reply. As if on cue, gurneys rush into the ER, a sea of them. "Multiple burn victims from an apartment fire" explains a paramedic, i nod and look around for ones with serious burns and see a man with practically half a body covered in third degree burns and i wince "i'll take this one" i say, a paramedic nods "from what we gather on the ID he carries his name is Jonathan Windsor, 35 and that's all the information we found on this one" says the paramedic, i nod "thank you" i say as i take Jonathan to trauma room 3

I clean the burns whilst Maggie looks for anything wrong with his heart and Meredith looks for any internal damage. We then rush him to an OR where Meredith starts with fixing the internal damage whilst I go and form a skin graft

Making a skin graft reminds me of one of my first memories with Jackson and I smile. I get back to the OR after two hours and Meredith is just finishing up. I apply the skin graft and then we finish up and I scrub out.

At the end of the day i take the kids home and see Jackson, perfectly fine sitting on the couch and watching Star Wars: A New Hope "Hey, Ivy" says Jackson as I close the door "Hey, Jackson" I reply, letting Finlay go play in his room "I'm just gonna take Heaven to her cot she's fallen asleep" I say quietly, he nods and i take Heaven to her cot and lay her down then I go back downstairs.

"What did I tell you? I was fine" says Jackson as I cuddle up next to him on the couch. "I know I just worry" i say, he smiles and kisses me "you know it was awful lonely without you today" says Jackson, kissing along my jawline "is that so?" I ask as he continues to kiss down my neck "so lonely" adds Jackson, i chuckle. His hands move up my shirt "Jackson" I say "Ivy don't be a party pooper" says Jackson "Finlay's upstairs" I say

"So is Heaven" retorts Jackson, i shake my head "you're not helping your case" i say as Jackson removes both our shirts "and you're not rejecting my advances" says Jackson as he lays me down and kisses down my torso "I never said I didn't like the advances" i say "I just think it's inappropriate with the children upstairs" I add as he kisses down my stomach

"Like I said, they're upstairs" says Jackson, i bring his face back up to mine and lock our lips together "your case wins" i reply, giving in, he smiles on my lips and i make my way along his jawline and down his neck

We then hear crying from the baby monitor. I get my shirt back on and Jackson sighs as i get up and make my way up the stairs to tend to Heaven and then I go back downstairs to Jackson.

"I don't think we're ever going to get alone time" states Jackson, i laugh at his statement "neither do i" i reply and we cuddle up and watch the rest of 'A New Hope' together.


Hello there my lovelies!

I took a bit of a break from writing yesterday bc your girl had the worst migraine yesterday that it made me feel so sick and i couldn't move but we all good now and i watched Hamilton twice today and watched a few Jonathan Groff videos bc he is so wholesome and i love him so much like 🥺❤️

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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