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Jackson's POV

Today whilst Ivy is at work i'm going to try and convince her folks to be more okay with us getting married, they don't have to like me, i just want Ivy to be happy.

Her parents are still here for one more week so i need to basically get my shit together. There's a knock at the door, i open it and it's Ivy's parents here to drop Finlay off "Hello, Mr and Mrs Fletcher" I say smiling "Hello, Jackson" replies Gwyneth "please, come in" i say politely, they smile and nod

"Would you like tea? Coffee? Juice?" I ask "Coffee would be lovely" replies Gwyneth "and you, sir?" I ask Tate who doesn't seem talkative today "water will be fine" replies Tate, not too friendly but my smile doesn't waver as i go to get their drinks.

"Where is Ivy?" Asks Tate as i hand him his glass of water "she's at the hospital today" i reply, he nods as he sips his water "and how are you, Jackson?" Asks Gwyneth "I'm fine thank you, Mrs Fletcher, and how are you?" I ask, she smiles "I'm fine thank you, dear" replies Gwyneth

"I'd like to talk to you about me proposing to Ivy" I state, the atmosphere suddenly becomes quite tense "what about it?" Asks Tate sternly "I wanted to apologize for not asking for your blessing first" I begin "You see, I planned on asking for your blessing and I had this whole other plan and I was going to take her out on a memorable date then take her on a walk along the beach where at sunset I would propose but after I got attacked I just proposed, it was a spur of the moment thing. I should've asked for your blessing, I know that was a mistake on my part but this means a lot to Ivy and she always tells me how she wants you both to be there and for you to give her away, sir" I explain, Tate's expression softens

"Jackson, you have to understand that I mean no malice towards you, I'm simply trying to look after my daughter and I'm sure you understand given that you yourself are a father of two girls and I'd like to think you consider yourself somewhat of a father to Finlay because he will need a better role model than Arrow and you certainly are a better role model. I understand the whole ordeal now and I realize now how much of a true gentleman you are, I realize now that you really are treating my daughter with respect and kindness the way she deserves to be treated. So I am now giving you my blessing and obviously I will give my daughter away, I always planned to. Thank you, son, for making my daughter happy. I haven't seen Ivy smile like this in years" says Tate

He holds out a hand for me to shake and I do, smiling at him as I shake his hand "I promise that I will treat Ivy well and love her for as long as I live" I reply, he nods curtly and Gwyneth smiles at me. "We best be off, Jackson, we have packing to do but let Ivy know we popped round" says Gwyneth, I smile and nod "will do. See you soon, Mr and Mrs Fletcher" I reply "please, call us Tate and Gwen" says Gwyneth, i smile and nod.

I hold the door open for them and close it behind them. Ivy took Heaven to the daycare so it's just me and Finlay here "Hey, Jackson" says Finlay as he runs into the living room where i am, i smile and ruffle his hair "hey, buddy" i say, he sits next to me "can I call you my dad?" Asks Finlay "because I don't like my daddy, he's mean to mommy and that makes me sad but you make mommy smile and mommy didn't used to smile before" explains Finlay "of course you can, buddy" i reply "good because I think you are a good dad" says Finlay, he melts my heart sometimes

"So, what do you wanna watch, bud?" I ask, he thinks for a moment "can we watch Paw Patrol?" Asks Finlay, i chuckle and nod "sure thing" i reply, he rests his head against my arm as we watch the cartoon "are you marrying my mommy?" Asks Finlay, i nod "I sure am, bud" i reply "is that because you love her?" Asks Finlay, i nod "it is" I reply, he smiles and nods "I love my momma as well" says Finlay, i ruffle his hair and smile.

Later on, Ivy returns from work holding Heaven who is fast asleep, i take Heaven in my arms and Finlay throws himself at Ivy "Hey, buddy" says Ivy, hugging her son "Hey, momma" replies Finlay, then he runs off into the garden. "How was your day?" I ask after pecking Ivy on the lips, she nods "it was quiet today, how was yours?" Asks Ivy as we both sit on the couch, Heaven asleep in my arms and Ivy's head on my shoulder

"It was good, I spoke to your parents" I say, she grimaces "and I explained everything to your dad and he gave me his blessing and said he will come to the wedding and we're all good now" I explain, she looks at me in disbelief "are you being for real?" Asks Ivy, i smile and nod "wait, I want to kiss you, go and put Heaven in her cot" says Heaven, i chuckle and shake my head but i do as she says nonetheless

When i come back down Ivy wraps her arms around me and kisses me "I really love you" says Ivy, i smile and kiss her back "I really love you more" i reply, she smiles "we're getting married" says Ivy excitedly "we are indeed" I reply and i kiss her again.


Hello there my lovelies!

So i started writing this yesterday and then i got writers block so i left it and came back today with like a whole chapter so enjoy some ✨wholesome content

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay smiling
stay wonderful
most importantly tho, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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