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Today Jackson and I have the day off but it's a Monday so the kids have school so it's just Jackson and I until later on when we're meant to have Heidi and Holden over for dinner. This is because Finlay asked if Holden could come over and then Heaven wanted Heidi to come over and protested that she be allowed because Finlay was allowed.

This morning Finlay comes down wearing denim jeans with a Harry Potter t-shirt on. Heaven on the other hand, comes down stairs in a rusty purple cord pinafore dress with a pink long sleeve top and light pink tights and pink strap shoes. Pink is her favorite color.

"Momma, look what pops picked out for me!" Exclaims Heaven as she gives me a little twirl, i smile "you look beautiful" I reply "Fin, you look very handsome" I say, complimenting my eldest child "thanks, momma" replies Finlay

Finally, Jackson comes downstairs with Harriet who stayed for the weekend and we're taking her to school today because April was really busy this morning. Harriet is wearing a black and white checked skater skirt with a black long sleeve top, black tights and black kickers. "Morning, Harriet" I say smiling, she smiles back at me "Morning, Ivy" she replies. Jackson and I told her she didn't have to call me mom.

Jackson greets me with a kiss "Good Morning" says Jackson, his arms around my waist, I smile "Good Morning" I reply "Who's ready for school?" I ask, all the kids nod and grab their lunch boxes before heading out of the house and getting into the car.

After dropping off Heaven and Finlay we head to Harriet's school which is closer to where April lives. "Oh, dad, I won't be round next weekend because Kelsey and Reilly invited me to a sleep over and mom said I could go so I'll see you in two weeks" Says Harriet, she's only nine but sometimes she sounds like she's fifteen "Sure thing, sweetheart, I'll see you in two weeks have fun and be good. I love you" replies Jackson, he kisses her on the cheek "Bye, Ivy, see you in two weeks" says Harriet "Bye, Harriet" I reply.

When we get home my phone rings and I answer it "Hello?" I say, I should check the caller ID once in a while "Ivy, it's your mom" yeah I really should check the caller ID, then I know when to decline the incoming call "what do you want?" I ask. My parents don't usually call because I made it clear five years ago that I don't want to talk to them anymore if they're going to keep treating me like shit and they put up no fight

"I was wondering when I could see my grandchildren?" Asks my mother, I think for a moment "I don't know" I reply, she tsks "typical" comments my mother "excuse me?" I ask "You heard me, I said typical, typical that I can't see my grandchildren, typical that you're holding a grudge, typical you isn't it Ivy, if something isn't going your way you strop until it goes your way don't you?" replies my mother.

"Jesus woman, I only said I don't know because I need to talk to Jackson first I'll text you. Bye" I state before hanging up the phone "am I right in assuming that was your parents?" Asks Jackson, I nod, rubbing my temples "my mother" I reply

Jackson wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him and kisses me "Don't let them get to you" says Jackson, i sigh "I know I shouldn't but they just get on my nerves. I really thought I knew my parents before I really thought they were nice people and they just aren't and it upsets me because I just feel like I lived a lie when I lived with them. They weren't who I thought they were" I reply, Jackson kisses my temple "I know, it sucks but you have been so much happier the past five years without them. I've noticed a significant difference. Besides they don't deserve you if they're too blind to see your true worth, beauty and talent" says Jackson

"God, what did I do to deserve you?" I ask "you deserve so much more than me, Ivy and one day you might really believe me" replies Jackson. "And one day you'll realise that you are enough and you are my soul mate, the one person who I truly love. Forever and always. That's a promise" I say. He kisses me and I kiss him back.

"I love you so much" says Jackson, i smile "I love you more" I reply. We rest our temples against one another's for a while and we settle into a calm, comfortable silence.

Jackson kisses me softly and slowly and i melt into the kiss as if gradually becomes more passionate. Jackson kisses down my neck as his hands ride up my shirt and his hands roam my back as my fingers run through his soft curls that i love so much. He removes my shirt and kisses down my torso before kissing back up. I remove his shirt before kissing his lips again and then moving down to kiss along his jawline.

At that moment my phone rings, i check the caller ID and i have to answer because it's Finlay's school "Hello" I state, a little bit pissed off about the interruption "Hello are you Ivy Avery, mother of Finlay Avery in class 3A?" Asks the receptionist "I am, how can I help?" I ask, the receptionist clears her throat "Finlay has forgotten his gym kit so I'm calling to ask if it would be possible for you to drop it off?" Asks the Receptionist, i sigh but nod "sure, i'll be there in ten minutes" I reply

"Fin left his gym kit here" I explain to Jackson as I get my shirt on. I guess having kids means sacrificing your freedom. I still wouldn't give them up for the world though.


Hello there my lovelies!

So there's some wholesome Ivy and Jackson content here for y'all to enjoy 🥺

anyway, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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