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Jackson has gone out today and I'm staying in hospital with Heaven, they wanted to keep her in for a night or so for observation because shes prem.

I don't mind though because one of my best friends here in Seattle, April Kepner is coming to visit me today, it's funny i remember Jackson telling me about his ex fiancee who was called April, she also had a daughter called Harriet. Wait. No way, it can't be can it?

"Ivy!" Exclaims April, I stand up and hug her "April! It's been a hot minute!" I reply "You work at Grey Sloan now?" Asks April, I nod "I used to work here when it was Seattle Grace and even when it became Grey Sloan" replies April, i raise my eyebrows "I never knew that" i say

"Does Jackson Avery still work here?" Asks April "yeah he does" i reply "in fact, I don't think I told you who Heaven's father is did I?" I ask, April thinks for a moment then shakes her head "come to think of it no but if he's anything like Arrow you have shit taste in men, Ivy" replies April, a slight smile on her face, i roll my eyes

"No, actually, the father is Jackson Avery" I reply, she gapes at me "you guys have been together 8 months and you just like didn't let it slip?" Asks April, i shrug, not meeting her gaze "well, I didn't realize I never told you his name" i replied, she shakes her head "well that means our kids are related" says April, i smile

"They are indeed" i reply, April looks over to Heaven in her cot "can I hold her?" Asks April, i nod "of course" I reply, she takes Heaven out of her cot "Hey, there Heaven" says April as she coos over my daughter "How's Finlay?" Asks April, i smile and nod "he's great, I think he wanted a brother but he's more than happy with his little sister" i reply, April chuckles

Suddenly, Holland Hunt bursts in the door "Ivy" says Holland, i turn to face her "yeah?" I ask, confusion tainting my seemingly nonchalant tone "Jackson's in A&E" says Holland, suddenly my heart drops and a pit forms in my stomach "what? What do you mean? What happened?" I ask, Holland shakes her head "he's beat up, pretty bad, he's out cold, a few broken ribs, internal bleeding and severe cuts and bruises" explains Holland, oh god i feel sick

"Go see him, Ivy, I'll look after Heaven for you" says April, i nod mindlessly, momentarily disorientated "thank you" i say before running to A&E in a blond panic.

I see him, Jackson in a trauma room, Owen Hunt, Meredith Grey, Levi Schmitt and even Maggie Pierce working on him "his heart has stopped let's shock him" says Maggie, i can't breathe, please start his heart, he can't die, Heaven barely knows him. He has a whole life to live, i'll take his place, please let him live oh god.

"Ivy what are you doing here?" Asks Meredith "Holland told me and I had to come see him. Meredith is he ok? Please let him live" I plead, suddenly i'm crying, everything is such a blur "Ivy, I need you to go wait in the waiting room, we need to take Jackson to surgery he's in good hands ok? I'll update you regularly" says Meredith, i nod and Holland guides me to a seat in the waiting room "do you need me to stay with you?" Asks Holland, i shake my head "no you have patients to see, lives to save" i reply, Holland shakes her head "it's my day off, I can stay" says Holland "okay" i reply. She puts an arm over my shoulder

An hour later i see Meredith approaching us and i immediately stand up "how is he? Is he alive?" I ask, the latter being the only question i need the answer to "yes he's alive" says Meredith "we're almost done with the abdominal bleeding, there's nothing we can do about the broken ribs they'll need to heal naturally which will take a while but he's ok" says Meredith, i nod and sit back down and wait.

An hour and a half later Meredith approaches us again "He's out and in a ward and should be waking up any minute now" says Meredith and i let her lead me to Jackson.

"Hey, Einstein" says Jackson, i laugh and shake my head before kissing him "Hey, Mr Bigshot" i say, he smiles and strokes my hair "what happened?" I ask, the question that's been eating away at me for hours.

"I was shopping for something and I was stopped by no other than Arrow and some of his mates, they cornered me, pinned me down and beat me with crowbars and fists and feet, I tried fighting back but it was four against one. Next thing I know I'm here" replies Jackson, my heart breaks "Jackson I'm so sorry" i say, he kisses me and shakes his head "don't you dare blame yourself. Arrow is a horrible human being, nothing but a coward who can't take losing, this is not your fault" says Jackson, i nod "hey, I love you" says Jackson, i smile "I love you more" I reply "impossible" says Jackson

"About that" says Jackson, i raise an eyebrow "This isn't the scene I planned but who knows I could be attacked with some more crowbars any day now" jokes Jackson "look, Ivy, the bottom line is I love you so much my heart might explode. I love everything about you from your smile to your sense of humor. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Ivy Tate Fletcher, will you marry me?" Asks Jackson, i smile and nod "of course I will Jackson" I reply and i kiss him.

"I have a ring but I'll give that to you when I can move and not be in pain" says Jackson, i chuckle and kiss him "hey i love you" says Jackson

"I love you more"


Hello there my lovelies!

So a bit of drama! But they gon get married. How'd you like the twist with April?

anyways, thank you for all your love and support i love you all!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay strong
stay safe
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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